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Noob question but, push-back reduction?


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wait a second....



Push-back reduction happens when you are casting a spell (i.e. Heal) and you get hit causing the casting bar to be "Pushed Back" lengthening the time to cast the spell.


So...in that sense..wouldn't having push back of being hit while channeling force choke make it last longer??


In reality I can only guess that the push back is on the "ticks" of damage done during the force choke..meaning if you're getting hit you won't get all the ticks within the 3 second channel..


Either way...100% useless talent


Edit: to your second question..it does not..there's no talent that prevents our ghetto stun from ending prematurly due to another cc effect..hence why it's a "ghetto" stun.

Edited by Foxcolt
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What does push back reduction when channeling force choke do?


Does it prevent interrupts that are based on push/pulls?


The pushback reduction is for Rage specced Marauders who gain Shockwave charges for their massive Smashes. The only reason to spec into it is for x4 Shockwave, so when getting damaged you don't miss out on a full Shockwave'd Smash.

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