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How viable is assault for pvp?


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Yesterday i talked to a game master concerning nickname change and when he asked me what else he could do for me. I begged him to fix my interrupt skill on commando :)))))) And you know what he said? :) "Doesn't it work?" Holy cow, i said, I DON'T HAVE IT AT ALL!!! He advised to create a thread on the forum and promised to talk to devs concerning the matter. The case made my evening :))


I wish we have interrupt and smth else to blow peeps up. I wish my sticky grenade calls the same enemy behavior in pvp as if i it's an NPC :)) Can you imaging a sorc waving his creepy hands trying to take off the grenade during 2 seconds - my dream :)))


Had a similar experience after 1.2. Was told by the droid that the developers don't read the forums but class balance changes occur constantly so things may change in the future. It's nice to know that the developers don't waste their time reading feedback by paying customers.

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