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Commando gunnery is not fun anymore


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2k Demolition rounds with 5 stacks of my grav round debuff on a level 50 mob doing pve dailies. Enough said. Thats some weak a** sh*t when you have full rakata with augmented gear and every datacron there is with a biochem stim.
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i totally agree. same situation here. except i also lost my raid spot due to lack of dps. where i could do decent dps earlier it now shot to something unmistakably bad.


so i quit playing my trooper and rerolled shadow instead.


the sad part is that the commando dps is about 700 with mox parser in raid and this will more or less deter peeps from playing it all together. love the class but dont see the point in playing something that they took all the fun out of.

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I agree, Gunnery is just not fun anymore. It seems they are attempting to normalize our dmg with other dps classes, without bothering to normalize the utility amongst the dps classes. Add to that, they can;t even seem to get the dps changes correct. My first grav round hits as hard as a demo round w/ 5 vortexes now. How the heck did that slip through testing?


On the bright side, my dps sage is rather fun to play. And the fully modified republic dancers outfit makes it that much better.

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I agree, Gunnery is just not fun anymore. It seems they are attempting to normalize our dmg with other dps classes, without bothering to normalize the utility amongst the dps classes. Add to that, they can;t even seem to get the dps changes correct. My first grav round hits as hard as a demo round w/ 5 vortexes now. How the heck did that slip through testing?


On the bright side, my dps sage is rather fun to play. And the fully modified republic dancers outfit makes it that much better.


Dunno bow urs is doing that..My fully stacked demo hits much harder then any of my grav rounds

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Dunno bow urs is doing that..My fully stacked demo hits much harder then any of my grav rounds


Real simple.. it's called a bug, this one being a direct result of releasing untested changes to the player-base.

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