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This is a petition for a penalty for leaving WZ


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I know there have been many threads on this topic, but I feel BioWare just isn't getting it.


There needs to be a severe penalty installed for people leaving Warzones. The vast majority of PVP'ers have had enough of people leaving Warzones before they are done.


It's impact cause's people coming into the Warzone late and getting no rewards. This can not be allowed to happen any longer at all.


BioWare has enough problem's creating fair PVP as it is without leaving 1 of the most critical necessities to PVP out of the game all together. The penalty for leaving!


Tell BioWare to stop this now! Fix the leaving problem now! Install a severe penalty for leaving Warzones now!

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If you leave a Warzone match you should


X. Lose all commendations you have

X. Lose all PvP gear you have

X. Lose all valor points (reset to valor rank 0)


If you leave a warzone 2 times in a row you should


X. Not be able to log in for 1 year

X. While not being able to log in, you still have to pay for the 1 year


If you leave a warzone 3 times in a row you should


X. Get a delete penalty that deletes your main character and all other character you have created

X. All friends you have on your friends list, and in your guild should also suffer a Delete penalty

X. You could get up to 100 years in jail, or if you live in US you could face Death Penalty


This would make you happy?

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