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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

whats going on with PVP ?


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Ok im a sniper and an experienced one.

I play since open beta and so far when going to wz some were bad (one time was dominating) some were badly mached up and most were good fun (close score, or just better skilled but you could fight it).

after 1.2 inceasingly the bad maches became the rule.

i have, at list, 2-3 days now to play in a wz that the game would not be steam rolled either by my team or the other.

Is it bad luck (a truck load of it) or is generaly objerved fact?

gime your POV

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Ok im a sniper and an experienced one.

I play since open beta and so far when going to wz some were bad (one time was dominating) some were badly mached up and most were good fun (close score, or just better skilled but you could fight it).

after 1.2 inceasingly the bad maches became the rule.

i have, at list, 2-3 days now to play in a wz that the game would not be steam rolled either by my team or the other.

Is it bad luck (a truck load of it) or is generaly objerved fact?

gime your POV


I think teams not being able to simply steam roll one another was the point. And is a good thing. (Although I still land on teams that both get steamrolled and do the steamrolling, it happens a lot less and most of the matches are close calls requiring a special move or that extra little skill something to win)

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the majority of my games are either, we faceroll them or they faceroll us. When the imps have their A team out, we get facerolled, when we have ours out they get facerolled. Every once in awhile the leader of my guild will set up a premade vs premade, our A team vs theirs, and those are always fun win or lose, but we rarely have the time to do that.
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My personal experience too.

Close games are almost non-existant on my server. What i notice to my surprise is that the imperials have bigger issue with people leaving a losing wz, than my republic mates. We are just dumber, more stubborn or i don't know why.

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so there are others with the same experience.

how come and this thing is hapening.

i mean so far 3/4 wz played ,dispite if any team had leavers, were good games and half of them could go both ways.

and now almost all game are steam rolls.


is this hapening because of bad team balance class wise or because something else?

Edited by Narfirill
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