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Weapon stats and upgrades


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I'll admit I do not fully understand stats yet.


I'm lvl 18 Merc and still using the 1st 2 quest blasters I received they are lvl 9 if I rem correctly. I also have them upgraded with the max lvv upgrade.


Now non upgradable weapons are starting (have been) to show more DPS and tech power.


So my question for both future and in general: at what point/stats to should you consider replacing gear?

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i always replace my gear as soon as i get new stuff. most of it isnt moddable but thats not something i worry about until max level and i start pvping. one idea though is to have someone in your guild make you a set for your level, im doing that right now for my pistols
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Go to the station, look for Galactic Trade Network. Select the item you desire, hit search and BAM!!! In game Ebay, but its buy only not bid highest. Can also upgrade crystrals on modified guns, should change the damage if you are using a barrel mod.
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I went Armortech, but a some of my upgraded items are from the Flashpoints. I've stuck with the PvP weapons since they're actually really good (and easy to get.)


Not a bad idea. Looks like the haywire set can be comboed with the critical mass (?) set to make a really nice aim-stacked armor set (even if you end up looking like a clown).


The level 30ish blasters are what I'm saving for now.

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