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Lower the cost of respecing, please?


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You changed all the rules for how our classes work and you gave us target dummies to test new specs on but you forgot one little thing.. no one has the money to spend on respecing.


I got one redo for free because of the patch on my sorc so I played around with a build experimenting with it, then I had an idea and respected to test out a theory, just now I went to change back to lightning and it's over 58 THOUSAND credits. Really? I respec once and it jumps up to THAT MUCH?


Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, Bioware?! Can you not lower the cost since you did just change all the rules for almost every class? Or is it that you just don't want people experimenting at all? If so, can you please post the top DPS builds for all classes once a week? All this thinking and doing math is hard anyway, right?


I have to wait until next week or the week after that to change back to lightning so I guess I'll shelf the character for a week. After all, it's good game design to include features that make your clients not want to play the game right?


Waiting for Rated warzones, waiting for respecs, waiting for dual specs, waiting for crafting patterns, pretty much I think what we learned from patch 1.2 is that not playing Bioware's game until it's actually FINISHED is what they want us to do.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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How, many times did you respect this week? Each week the costs reset to 0 for the first and then progresses upwards during that week. I am guessing you are not lvl 50 since at that lvl 48k is a drop in the bucket? I am not flaming i am just wondering given your cost of 48k as it would appear that it was just your second respect for the week? ( not counting the free one from 1.2)
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