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APAC Transfer form/page has date/time of earlier today??


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"You are eligible to transfer characters to the new Asia Pacific servers.


Please fill out this form no later than April 17, 2012, 2:01PM EST, 4:01PM NZST, 12:01PM HKT, 12:01PM SGT to request complimentary server transfers for one or more of your eligible characters. Only characters created before February 28, 2012, 5:01PM EDT, 7:01PM NZDT, 2:01PM HKT, 2:01PM SGT qualify for transfers and are displayed below.


Character transfers will begin April 17, 2012, 8:00PM EST, 10:00PM NZST, 6:00PM HKT, 6:00PM SGT and may take up to 7 days. At some point during these 7 days, there will be a period of time of up to 3 hours where we will begin processing all requested character transfers associated with your account. You will be unable to play any characters that are on servers involving your character transfer requests during this time. If you are logged into one of these servers, you will be automatically logged off that server until the transfer is complete. If you are unable to log into any of these servers past the 3-hour window, please contact Customer Service.


You will be notified via email when your character transfer requests have been processed. Unsuccessfully transferred characters will remain on their original server. You may edit your character transfer requests at any time before April 17, 2012, 2:01PM EST, 4:01PM NZST, 12:01PM HKT, 12:01PM SGT."


Sooo.. This was when the Website went down and this form was not available before now? So how can we possibly comply with the transfer request?? How about we put in a realistic time and date please Bioware?

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Please sort your website out guys, Transfer form is not working, unable to do anything with it except stare at it blankly, clicking my heels together 3 times chanting "i want to go homë , I want to go home"



50 Vanguard

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Greetings everyone!


Since we have an active thread on this topic (along with more information), we are going to close this thread and ask that you please continue this discussion here:


Character Transfers Now Available for Asia Pacific Territories


We would like to provide you with the following information from our Developer Tracker regarding this topic from our Senior Online Community Manager, Stephen Reid:


Hey everyone; the date you're seeing on the Asia-Pacific character transfer form is (obviously) incorrect. The web team is working on updating it right now.


The corrected date will be April 24th. The FAQ which went live this morning also reflects that date.


Apologies for the confusion.


Thank you for your patience! :)

Edited by Ellvaan
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