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Heroic and Flashpoints


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Okey. This is really something that makes me really pissed off. :mad:


Why cant those people/characters who gives out Heroic missions, have the Heroic text under their names? Like the droids who gives out Flashpoints missions. Would be nice to have a heads up before i waste some time on looking at some cutscenes, untill afterwards see that´s a heroic mission.


Just waste of time to walk into those persons/characters/droids if you have not interest of doing heroics. :o


And yeah. I could just keep missions in my log untill i find some people to do it with or just erase them. But that´s not the point. The point is that i would appreciate if i/we could see who are Heroic mission giver. Just as the Flashpoint mission givers. Understand?


And please. Move this thread if i posted it in wrong forum. :rolleyes:

Edited by iamnotacrook
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