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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Graphics] Option To Increase Max Draw Distance


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Dear devs,


Please add an option to increase the draw distance of grass, trees and NPCs.


The reason I ask is that this game noticeably suffers from "pop-up" effects, especially with grass growing out of the ground as you run and NPCs appearing out of nowhere.


Perhaps draw things at lower detail beyond a certain range and apply the higher detail within closer range (i.e., adaptive level of detail relative to distance, like used in old games like Black & White).


Kind regards


Edited by llesna
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You can actually do this right now, but its not in the game menu. You have to go into the game files and modify some text, which whill increase this. I will do more research to find out how to do this. :wea_03:


Unfortunately it only does so much, as you can't increase it beyond a certain point, even by editing the ini file.

Edited by llesna
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