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Post 1.2 Gunnery findings (No QQ)


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Then according to BW you are right where you should be. We are supposed to be within 5% of the pure DPS...I mean afterall you can heal right? (Yes, that is sarcasm). Couple that with no utility, no survivability, and the easiest dps to shut down in PVP and you have the recipe for the most avoided class when rated warzones launch.


Patch notes, they got a 5% buff on PVE DPS abilities. So that's a 10% disparity now.

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I don't know where people are getting these figures, I tagged along on an EV Normal last night and couldn't get my DPS above 1000 even on the first boss (had to hide behind the pillar at times due to weak healing as it was an alt run)


I'm in full (unmodified) Rakata + Black Hole Earpiece+Champ level power/crit+surge relics and was using my Rakata power adrenal


Although the only other main in the raid was also a similarly geared trooper and we were pretty close the whole time, so maybe we just both suck.


I'll steal the power/crit/surge enhancements out of my companions Columi gear and see if it has any effect.

Edited by jedip_enguin
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