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Devs please fix!!!


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Healers are broken. Merc BG's are broken! Until they get fixed healers will not be played. You just caused everyone to re-roll a dps class i.e marauder leaving heals dry in the water. Thanks, I thought SWTOR would be a different story guess I was wrong. Edited by McNastyya
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Heals are broken. I've had several that do not heal, just add heat. Made a bug report as the heals weren't even showing up in the combat log either. I literally watched my health bar drain down to almost dead while I kept button mashing my heals. I was not in a heroic area and I was not going up against any elites.
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They are not broken. If you think they are re-roll. You help all the good healers, like me, who will captilize on your weakness. Many of us are still healing after 1.2. The nerf is not as bad as you think, and this is coming from a combat medic in full rakata pre-patch. I can still heal better than a field medic or Mystic, when I focus heal someone. Stop qqing,or pew pewing, it makes all of us seem like whiny *****es/female dogs.
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Hello everyone,


We already have several threads dedicated to discussing the recent changes to Bodyguard in Game Update 1.2. Please use one of the following threads, as we will be closing this one to help keep things organized and feedback consolidated:

If there is a specific ability you feel is not working properly in the new update, feel free to create a new thread with as much detail and information as possible.


Thank you!

Edited by Noviru
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