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The Red Eclipse (EU) PvE server queue's


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So far there's been a lot of talk about queue's on PvP servers but very little on PvE servers. The Red Eclipse (EU) was one of the first servers to reach full status in my opinion by watching the server status window. I've played every day since EA began and my guild were put on this server.


If you do not log on in the morning when school and work are the play of the day then come 3pm GMT the queue starts and grows, and grows and grows. The longest I've had to wait is 1 hour 15 minutes. Some of my guildies have had to wait for 2 hours to join the rest of their buddies on a server BW put my guild on, you know so we could play together.


I'd be interested in knowing exactly what "Full" means? I am thinking it may be a cap that BW have placed on the server to stop more players joining and the queue's also stem from BW not wanting hundreds of people logging on at the same time ands crashing the login servers.


Also are BW putting blocks on servers now so no more players can join unless they are in the guild placed on the server (which hopefully was done via the SWTOR guild web pages, right?).


We are now into the weekend. I think this evening is going to be unbearable because BW have too many players on the realms, certainly the Red Eclipse. This is how it feels anyway. I know we are still in EA and release is not for a few days, but how am I expected to arrange Flashpoints with my guildies when some will have queue's of 40-60 mins and some will have queue's of 2 hours? Its just not workable and my biggest fear is this is going to continue into release and matters may become worse.


I'd like some reassurance here that BW have things in place to deal with such eventualities. Thanks.


EDIT: Just logged in after a break, 45 min queue at 12.50pm GMT. Not good enough, EA or no EA. Tonight is going to be sheer torture.

Edited by Malanoth
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I'm in the same predicament, I joined The Red Eclipse because friends who got EGA 2 days before me had joined that one - I suspect that's the same for many people.


PvP players are being told to simply move to another server. When you've invested hours/days into your characters, and all your friends are on that server, being told your only recourse is to move seems a little ..... well it seems to miss the point. It's not a very satisfying reply. It would be nice if there was a "we understand you play together, we'll see what we can do" rather than a "hey, just move, buddy" message.


It would be nice if this issue was addressed a little more visibly by staff, because at the moment it's understandable that people are feeling a little bit left out in the cold.

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It's a terrible reply and no solution at all.


Play at non-peak times? Legions of Lettow has had a 1000+ queue since 11:30AM. That peak time? Most, excluding the newly setup servers, are the same.


SR's response is completely contradictory. "We were expecting queues and so should you!" - You were expecting queues but your server hosts did nothing about the obvious expectation? You're fixing to work something you KNEW was coming? Alright.


I can tolerate this for Early Access but good luck holding subscriptions from people if 6 out of your 8 english servers are max capacity.

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