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Companion Artificate crit ??


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Hello evryone,


first of all, english is not my mothertongue so exuse my grammar and language faults that might appear, but i hope to adress more people on this forum ;D


But now, back to my topic!


Since the new patch 1.2 appeared on live servers this week, the crit ability of companions in some crewskills got became rly interesting. I also noticed, after checking every crew skills, that there is no chance on crit artificate ingame for the moment, which rly gives a little disatvantage now, where it is important to have an increased crit chance because of the augment slots!


For example a Jedi-Knight is able to have a 10% crit chance to synth weaving if his companion is at 10k/10k reputation (if im not wrong with this) and a artificate Jedi-Knight only has 5% if his companion is at 10k reputation which is exactly half of the chance ... but also armstech or every other profession has at least a 2% improved chance on crits but artificate ...


So im hoping that there is a crit chance on the new hk 51 companion that might come with 1.3 or i really hope they might change something at the ship droid items so you might get a critchance there ...

I know crit crafting was some kind of worthless before because you only had the relicts that could have an augment slot thats why i can understand why it might be "missing" untill now, but now an artificating person has to craft lightsabers with augments for example ... to craft this new orange "cheap" lightsaber i think elegant modified lightsaber was its name, with which you can acquiree through treasurehung for example it cost me nearly 140 might crystals and 100 artefacts or it took my 17 lightsabers to craft, to get 1 with an augment slot ...

Thats not exactly the rate of crafting i was looking for, because the non augment slots are nearly worthless ...


Hopefully this might be read but im also interested in, what you guys think about the fact, that there is no artificate crit in the game yet!

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Have you shelled out the million creds to purchase the ship astromech droid? He is supposed to have mods that you can put in your standard ship droid that will effect his crafting - artifice *may* be among the possibilities, but as I have not yet payed for this service, I cannot confirm.
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Have you shelled out the million creds to purchase the ship astromech droid? He is supposed to have mods that you can put in your standard ship droid that will effect his crafting - artifice *may* be among the possibilities, but as I have not yet payed for this service, I cannot confirm.


No, it is not among the possibilities.

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Yes, i bought the droid and no he has no artificate crit ... i heared HK-51 shall have artificate crit but it takes a while till 1.3 will go live and the question is if you can get reputation with him ... because if not he might be nearly useless ...
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