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gunnery tree needs reworking ... idea's inside


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ok so i think we can all agree its broken atm, so here is my idea on what to do with GR and its associated skills :-


1) remove COF proc off grav round and place it on hammer shot, but reduce the proc rate back to pre 1.2 lvl's


reason - we apparently spam GR too much so lets move this proc off this skill, and open our other skills up abit.


2) rework skill tree so that a skilled gunner only has to hit a target once with GR, to apply all 5 stacks of GV


reason - insted of 3 spams of GR we only have to do it once now, less spamming less complaining etc.


3) something needs to be done with heavy armour or with CB as atm, we are very squishy. or how about reverting CB back to pre 1.2 lvl's?


I think some tweeking of ammo costs will be nessary, however i am no number cruncher so i cannot give out all the %'s etc



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Making HS a key ability takes away of the design that HS is to be used when you need to regen ammo....it is not supposed to be a power or setup ability.


You simply can't fix a spec that has been ***** based on faulty beliefs. The move made by BW is to remove commandos from popularity. This is why both the medic and the gunny were crippled. This was not about 'fixing' or 'balancing'.


You could only fix the spec if BW actually intended the spec to be viable.

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Alright, a day ago I assumed people knew more than me or something since I'd only done EC on storymode which didn't give me a good comparison of kill times since it's new. But by now I've done both PvP and PvE enough to feel safe saying that Gunnery feels fine. Only thing I haven't done is actually calculate dps on a dummy; reports are saying 1500, which is great, so as soon as I can confirm that those numbers are attainable for me then I'll be completely satisfied with the patch for Gunnery dps (not so much happy with the mortar volley shrinkage and kick to the balls in defenses, but oh well).
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