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The obsession with interrupts


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Seriously, what is the big deal about having an interrupt or not? You realise it's just like a stun only not as effective, only working on certain classes and not even shutting them out completely? I believe the obsession with interrupts is due to people feeling overly proud of themselves after interrupting a cast, not about the interrupt having any significant practical use compared to other abilities. Not every class needs an interrupt. IMO something better to be lobbying for is the removal of auto-tracking when casting abilities.
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Seriously, what is the big deal about having an interrupt or not? You realise it's just like a stun only not as effective, only working on certain classes and not even shutting them out completely? I believe the obsession with interrupts is due to people feeling overly proud of themselves after interrupting a cast, not about the interrupt having any significant practical use compared to other abilities. Not every class needs an interrupt. IMO something better to be lobbying for is the removal of auto-tracking when casting abilities.


Really? You don't understand how big an interrupt can be? Stuns are on long cooldowns, but interrupts are not (still a cooldown but no where near as long). Plus they do not trigger the global cooldown. You essentially eliminate 1 enemy GCD, doesn't cost you 1, and lock out their ability for 4 seconds. Interrupting a healer is huge (although not as big in 1.2). Not to mention bosses that are immune to knockbacks and stuns but not interrupts.


I use interrupt all the time on my sorc and maruader. It's a huge plus. Sure, you won't be interrupting some classes since they don't cast. Yet eliminating a heal without costing a GCD and then being able to stun can be huge when taking out a healer. Plus you can make arsenal mercs useless and stop sorc dps from spamming lightening.

Edited by McGarnagle
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Love interrupting Gunnery Commandos / Arsenal Mercenaries and watching them panic because they can't use Gravity Round / Tracer Missile.


The better ones do something else, the bad ones just back pedal and wait till they can use it again..


A well timed interrupt can severely reduce the damage you take, or the healing that a healer does.

Edited by Midimatt
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What's the big deal with having an interrupt? Well, let's see. How about... interrupt-or-wipe mechanics, such as the Malgus fight in False Emperor FP? Miss the interrupt, and everyone dies no matter how uber geared they are. The Lost Island is heavy on the interrupts -- perhaps not interrupt-or-wipe directly, but bad enough to wipe most groups if they aren't constantly interrupting.


As a side note, the devs said at some point that mercenaries wouldn't get an interrupt until there was more endgame reasons for them to have one. Then, the next patch, they add a FP where interrupts are essential.


Maybe some day.


It's also worth mentioning that pushes and short stuns aren't, from a PvE standpoint, interrupts. Unless you are fighting under champion level mobs, and then it won't really matter. Even so, BH pushes are both melee range, and aren't really functional forms of "CC" (seeing as how Mercenaries are a RANGED class). Most if not all bosses are immune to such effects and won't be interrupted by them.

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Seriously, what is the big deal about having an interrupt or not? You realise it's just like a stun only not as effective, only working on certain classes and not even shutting them out completely? I believe the obsession with interrupts is due to people feeling overly proud of themselves after interrupting a cast, not about the interrupt having any significant practical use compared to other abilities. Not every class needs an interrupt. IMO something better to be lobbying for is the removal of auto-tracking when casting abilities.


Herp a Derp OP :D

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You need an interrupt to defeat the last Boss in Red Reaper, did a duo with another Merc on this FP, went well got to the end and couldn't finish because you need and interrupt to bring down the add's shields, couldnt get anyone to help us so we couldn't finish it.
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