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Assault DPS Parse Breakdown


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This is a PVP burst damage spec, so I don't want to lose too much HIB damage as this is where the burst lives. High hits on HIB also provide bragging right on the warzone summary screen review.


Fair enough. But I was talking about the best spec for overall DPS, or the one you'd use in a long-duration parse. For PvP, I'd definitely go with HiB. It's all about the AP -> HiB -> SS -> HiB combo in PvP ^^

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I'd be curious to see this parse redone now that Plasma Cell is fixed.


When did they fix Plasma Cell?


Good thread, as far as viable PvE DPS, Vanguard is there. I'm the #2 DPS in our HM Denova group right behind our Sent. Often times I give him a run for his money. The other two commando's in our guild can't even come close to touching me. They're on average 100-200 dps lower then I am. Sent pushes 1400 avg in the raid, I'm sitting between 1200-1300 dps.


For mobile fights like Zorn/Toth, Hammer Shot reigns supreme. The viability aspect of a VG over a Sent especially on a fight like Zorn/Toth is, when they have to move or Toth jumps during transition, we maintain DPS without having to move, so our 30m/10m dps really kicks in. Not to mention if/when/ever our tanks lose aggro or die sometimes, we can taunt long enough for a battle rez, or to help maintain control of crappy situations. This is why raids aren't filled with Sents.


Wouldn't want us to be the best DPS class, nor should we be. I'm perfectly fine doing what I do, and rubbing it into Gunslinger's faces that I'm whooping them in DPS. ;)

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Trying 4/6/31 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801hzZMsZfIobzGhrs.1


10m 1520

melee 1530


10m parse:

Burning(Tech) 101525 -- 35.31%

Ion Pulse 76771 ---------- 26.7%

HiB 51423 ------------------ 17.88%

AP 23830 ------------------- 8.29%

Hammer Shot 18250 --- 6.35%

IR 8315 --------------------- 2.89%

Plasma Burst 7435 ----- 2.59%


melee parse:

Burning(Tech) 90860 --- 31.92%

HiB 57141 ----------------- 20.07%

Ion Pulse 54249 --------- 19.06%

SS 29745 ------------------ 10.45%

AP 20516 ------------------ 7.21%

Hammer Shot 17201 -- 6.04%

Plasma Burst 7640 ---- 2.68%

IR 7300 -------------------- 2.56%


It's very hard to properly judge what spec is better due to the RNG nature of the Assault tree. I've done multiple melee parses and some pushed 1.6k others barely made 1.5k. The only reason I ran with 7/3/31 is because of the good folks over at http://mmo-mechanics.com/swtor/forums/Forum-Bounty-Hunter-and-Trooper deigned it supreme (or at least to my understanding)

Edited by Suryi
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Wow, 10 DPS (0.66%) less at mid-range! That really makes me happy.


Thanks for all the work you've put into this. You've given us some really valuable information.



When did they fix Plasma Cell?


They fixed it in 1.2.2. Before that, Plasma Cell only ticked twice. It's supposed to tick immediately when you apply, tick again after 3s, and then again after 6s. However, it didn't deal damage on that first tick. This meant that Ion Pulse would do significantly less damage.

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Wow, 10 DPS (0.66%) less at mid-range! That really makes me happy.


Like I said there's a lot of RNG involved in Assault so 10 DPS between my parses will not mean 10 DPS between your parses, although, in general, I wouldn't expect a very significant DPS gap between 10m and melee range using that spec.

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As an assault DPS I would highly suggest you swap the dark energy surge for another +Power relic. Campaign+Rakata can be staggered at 30 sec for the Rakata (IE, you pop Campaign, 30 seconds later you can pop Rakata).


The consistent damage ones like Dark Energy and Wave and etc are better suited to tanks to increase their TPS.

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