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Better performance


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So i find myself having 150$ to spend, what a wonderful day. What do you think would improve the framerate on my system the most?


Getting a second radeon 6870 for crossfire, or getting a 120gb SSD?

found them both for just under 150 and can't decide

Edited by callousparade
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What do you have for video right now?


An SSD drive will not help your frame rates. However, having an SSD myself I can say it's a dream to have Windows installed on. It boots so much faster and becomes responsive earlier. Most games, including this one, will load a good bit faster as well. Some benefit from it more than others.

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Hi everyone!


We've closed this thread as we have consolidated discussions related to hardware and builds. Please check out these threads; we encourage you to post in one of them:



Also, please be sure to see our FAQ regarding Technical Requirements: http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#171060


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