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No patches until Tuesday...? So companions will stay broke? :O


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Whoah, that's not cool. I only really pay attention to companion stats when I'm changing their equipment, so I would never have realized, and probably chalked up performance loss to the update. Thanks for the info, at least I can keep an eye on it in the meantime!
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I don't have any problems with any of the other bugs so far.

But the companion thing is annoying.

Losing their stats on three pieces of gear adds up. They lose a few thousand HP.

Maybe we can expect a hotfix for this really quick tonight or tomorrow?


So this will be fixed on Tuesday for sure? Its really annoying my companion looses almost 3000 health, not including stats from that gear.

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Yes, this is very annoying. I've gotten to the point where I just get by without those equipped items for a while because I'm tired of unequipping and reequipping those same items over and over. Of course, it has also reduced my reliance on the speeder some going short distances :o


Sent in a ticket yesterday on this, though I'm sure they've gotten many.


I agree that this is the only bug that really gnaws at me--a constant impairment of my companions

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Yes, this is very annoying. I've gotten to the point where I just get by without those equipped items for a while because I'm tired of unequipping and reequipping those same items over and over. Of course, it has also reduced my reliance on the speeder some going short distances :o


Sent in a ticket yesterday on this, though I'm sure they've gotten many.


I agree that this is the only bug that really gnaws at me--a constant impairment of my companions


Yea I sent in a bug ticket last night, got a response this morning saying they couldn't comment on when it will be fixed and shot me a link to the patch page. I really do hope they fix this asap.

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Look at your companions health, now un-equip and re-equip his implants and ear plant. tell me how much more beast they are now.


My Talos is beast mode regardless of implants/ear. Solo the corellia heroic 4 even with lesser stats. I love beast mode Talos.:tran_grin:

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Look at your companions health, now un-equip and re-equip his implants and ear plant. tell me how much more beast they are now.


My companions have nothing equipped. That is the brilliance. I carry the team generally (chose to do this so that the game is a challenge and not a breeze through) but when after this patch my companion with nothing attached has entered beast mode and saves my a** sometimes.

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I can deal with this (well, like I have a choice, but I won't be too terribly cranky) if this is fixed THIS coming Tuesday.


If it is not, well then I will be cranky. This bug is really quite a pain.


And I rarely complain on these forums... well, out loud anyway ;)

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Unfortunately this remains unpatched.


Playing through the game, I have noticed that newly acquired implants/earpieces (post-patch) will no longer "deactivate" when the companion is summoned away which is good for new players, but I have yet to find another better than one I currently have on my companion. It's a sort of workaround, but I was hoping today's patch would fix it once and for all.

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