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The forgotten "nerf" in 1.2


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With certain classes getting buffed and everyone getting a pvp dmg increase there's a forgotten "nerf" here for arsenal mercs.


Our whole rotation is based off of a 5 stack(3 TM). While we're sitting here activating our 1.5 second tracer missile, a marauder is pounding away on us 10-15% harder than they were prior to 1.2. If they interrupt us, we're there even longer trying to get our 3 TM's off. (Yes, I know there are ways to get your 3 TM's off quicker with abilities, stuns, etc, but in PvP a 2min CD on those abilities is a good portion of the match.


The activation and channel's we have on our abilities is our class weakness and by giving other classes a dmg buff advantage while we're still activating is totally unbalanced.

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If you're letting a mara pound on you, then you're being too visible. Work the fringes. You don't let maras beat you down, you find a way to avoid them. The buff to Arsenal was really nice... HS missile will crit for over 6k. That is nice... It just means adapt a little bit more.
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If you're letting a mara pound on you, then you're being too visible. Work the fringes. You don't let maras beat you down, you find a way to avoid them. The buff to Arsenal was really nice... HS missile will crit for over 6k. That is nice... It just means adapt a little bit more.


I'm aware of how to play the class, but that doesn't help when you're caught in the open or when you're circle a pillar. They follow behind doing their instant cast abilities, while I'm trying to run and when I do pause to do a TM I'm interrupted.


Honestly, there's nothing OP about our class that warrants us needing to activate and channel two of our main 4 attacks.

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