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I haven't done a whole lot of hunting


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So I've been 50 awhile, I've done the pvp and the Ops but other than the 1-49 storyline I haven't done anything post 50 that has to deal with tracking down and capturing/eliminating target for a sum of money. I would like to see some sort of post 50 Bounty Board whether its player bounties (with the current class "Balance" I'm unsure about that,) a class specific daily with a moving target that we have to track down or maybe even a space "boss" where we have to chase down a target. I dunno, but damn let me hunt someone for God's Sake.......please :D


BH Board, I'd like to hear some ideas

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BH specific weapons and armor for PvE players that require some planet hopping. the PvP BH rewards can be obtained by killing (not into pvp so im not sure if they have it) specific high ranked pvp players.


both can be a weekly and given out by Mandalore.

Edited by vojinsa
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the PvP BH rewards can be obtained by killing (not into pvp so im not sure if they have it) specific high ranked pvp players.


both can be a weekly and given out by Mandalore.


Would be cool to implement with ranked wzs on pvp servers. That way top pvpers could have the prestige of being hunted.

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Hell yes, we need this. I used to LOVE hunting in SWG, and it was a nice way to make side-credits too :) The only issue I have is what BG's role will be in hunting. I just don't see healers hunting targets.
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