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In Search Of An Ideal LFG Tool


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From my observation on LFG tool in wow i have concluded that the reason it is being used to a level that i destroys communities and the main reason was because players were encouraged to use that system via extra loot bags and teleportation to the instance making manual grouping much less efficient thus making LFG tool mandatory for any sane person which created probems with community, amount of content, player behavior and such.


So again based on my deduction the most efficient community and casual friendly LFG system would have properties as following:


1)System should follow the design model stated by BW which says in 15 mins system tries to get group from your server if that fails it then begins using cross-server thus increasing the amount of players participating in que without giving them power of anonimity also when cross server LFG begins players should NOT be notified and there should be no indication of their servers so people will think they matched with people in their server and hopefully will behave tolerably and yes i know you can workaround it by asking people from what server they are but since when do they have to answer honestly?



2)Usage of LFG tool should NOT be encouraged especcially with extra loot or by any other way ( teleportation for example) instead its constant use in a day should be discouraged by implementing a mechanic such as after the 2nd time you que your share of dropped credits and chance an item you can use drops by %X amount and after 5th que the amount of items dropped from bosses reduces by %50 and your group shall be notified and will really likely to drop you for reducing their chance of getting loot and abusing the LFG system so people who really have time to group will have to actually find a group in order to get max benefit or continue with the group they got from LFG system after leaving the system thus people will get the same result as they got from looking for people in general chats but with less annoyence and more time saving and or people who just want to do 1 or 2 FP and log off can join the system get their loot and leave but when the want to do more well that means they have the time to find the group in the first place so they cannot abuse it.


3)Group logs: When you join a group through LFG system if you should get a notification if you have grouped with any of these people before and when you do system should give you the logs of how many items he needed that he could/could not use etc etc much like criminal report but this one should be at the bottom of the list of LFG features(imo)


PS. Yes i copy pasted this post from older post in another LFG thread and decided it will make a good suggestion.

Edited by HopelessChip
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oh no... please no teleportation or cross realm grouping... no please dont do this bioware. this is what destroyed wows community and it WILL do the same if this is implemented. at this current time the community is thriveing and the eorlds are populated, if this goes in. BOOM! stand in fleet, que, pew pew, leave que, pew pew, leave. and then nobodies in the worlds anymore because they can level through flashpoints. no im asking with full concern over this game, don't do this... please, don't destroy this game so soon.
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oh no... please no teleportation or cross realm grouping... no please dont do this bioware. this is what destroyed wows community and it WILL do the same if this is implemented. at this current time the community is thriveing and the eorlds are populated, if this goes in. BOOM! stand in fleet, que, pew pew, leave que, pew pew, leave. and then nobodies in the worlds anymore because they can level through flashpoints. no im asking with full concern over this game, don't do this... please, don't destroy this game so soon.


I think you should read the post again because i have stated EXACT opposite in fact i had wrote NOT in capital letters just for this case

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so no teleportation... well its a start and i like the fact that it punishes you for useing it...


if anything just do it like this. there is a ui for it listing all the player who are looking for a specific flash point, say hard mode hammer stations. next to there names it has there role. you can ask them through this pannle if they want to join, then you travle to the place, pew pew, win. problem solved that way it reduces spamming, but keeps the community.

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Not just a punishment for using the system butabusing the system you get penalties after using it more than 2 times in 12/24? hours and they build up over time and group members get notification of who used the system enough to reduce their chance considerably so they decide what to do you see...choices and more choices open pointed choices just like in other bioware games but with more multiplayer
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