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Cross Server Legacy Race Unlocks


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A quick note and some (hopefully) good news. With server transfers underway and live we are seeing the first steps towards true cross server legacy becoming a reality. Currently it is very limited as Bioware seeks to help even out server populations. But as time goes on this system will become more and more open with the logical conclusion of open server transfers that will allow unlocks to migrate freely to any server you are playing on. This methodology provides two benefits. One: Legacy can still be played with each server being a unique entity if so desired by the player. And two allowing those who want to benefit from previous work done on other servers can still benefit.


Hopefully I'm correct in my interpretation on Bioware's intent on this but it really does seem to be the way they are leaning on this issue.

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  • 1 month later...
I wonder if they could work the racial unlocks like they do the Founder title? Once you achieve it on any server, you receive a racial unlock token for that race in the mail on every existing character. You right click it, and then any new characters you create have that race unlocked? Would this work as a workaround, same as the collector's edition rewards? Or it could work like a token that lets you purchase the racial unlock at no cost and no legacy level?
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  • 1 year later...

Just bringing this back to life. I would think that Legacy Unlock <Race> should be open if you buy it to any server you want to make a character.

So if I buy a Twi'lek on server A I should be able to use the race on server B as well.

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  • 1 year later...
Bringing it back again BioWare you need to let race unlocks be across all servers seriously my friends just started playing and they went to Harbinger because Harbinger has the higher population for the PvP server and now I can't join them on a race I want because my race unlocks are only on Prophecy of the Five the needs to be handled and it needs to be done ASAP. I can understand the other things such as items you buy off the market place and such but Racial Unlocks should not be Server Locked, when a person buys the unlock from the Market they should be able to use it attached to their account not attached to the Legacy system
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