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Seems to me that one of the things that enhances games like Skyrim, Fallout, MnB: Warband, and the like is that the modding community keep the games going, constantly adding new items, scripts, objects et cetera.


Obviously, something like that would never work for an MMO like SWTOR, I'd be too easy to exploit the game mechanics if everyone was using a model that made the stealth classes appear as big red Pennywise like clowns whenever they where in stealth.


What I'm thinking is that Bioware adds a subforum, let's call it the OSP forum.


There, people can post their new items, textures and objects.


Basically, the post would go something like this:


I made a new Jedi Padawan armor, it looks like the one worn by Obi-Wan in Episode I.




Download link: http://www.jedipadawanarmorforbiowarereallylongweblink.com


It would then be completely up to Bioware whether they wanted to use the new armor.


They would basically be able to completely pick and choose what OSP items to include in the game, provided that they added, say a credit or special title, to whoevers stuff they included in the game.


The forum members would be able contribute what would essentially be mods to SWTOR, with Bioware having full control over the items that would be included.


This is just a thought that came to me a while ago, and I'm having trouble seeing any obvious flaws in it. I'd love some feedback on the idea, and some information on whether this is a completely unrealistic idea, being that I don't know anything about the process used in rigging the armors included in the game, nor what sort of file the models actually are.

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Those forums would be a warzone.

I don't HATE the idea, but I'm going to be honest, it really just provides the more vocal "Listen to me, dammit" types a platform for when and if their stuff gets rejected.

Edited by Listerman
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Yeah, I thought about that, but it seemed to me that with the sort of fairly tight moderation going on in these boards, keeping order wouldn't be harder than keeping order on the other boards.


Don't know if I am wrong on this?

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Yeah, I thought about that, but it seemed to me that with the sort of fairly tight moderation going on in these boards, keeping order wouldn't be harder than keeping order on the other boards.


Don't know if I am wrong on this?


its no different than what goes on here really. if those people really wanted to do this its already available.

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