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Pumping Smoke


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My thoughts on SWTOR .I have been playing these type games since way before the old comadore 64 .My first real computer was a DX2-66 with 24 gig HD and a whopping big 8 megs ram..LOL My point is I have played them all and many of the first beta. I think I have a bit of incite on when games start to go wrong.Then downhill from there. First Bad thing is when you have staff that are editing what people have to say..I know some folks are lousy at saying things,,bad language use ,etc..But most times they have a point and they are upset..I for one want to hear the Bad and the Good,and I will decide what I think. Editing out threads is the worst form of social engineering there is. Just look at our News Media today for a case and point.. Soon you end up Like Sony did . Totally lost touch with what people really wanted in what was a really great game..To much hype and telling each other how great this or that is,all the while there game was headed down the tube,, The old saying of " Blowing smoke up each other's butt ", may make them happy..But you lose touch with the player community and you are heading down the long slippery slope....First thing subordinates learn is if there a problem or something negative is to deal with it, hide it,cover it up,make it go away..But don't let the boss even hear about it..So Bosses my suggestion to you is stop these social engineers you got covering all your input from editing what you see or hear..I love this game and hope you all the best.
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