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2 Days of Play Time Left on Account= Cancelled


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I have 2 characters over level 40, a sin tank and a Merc Healer. Both on different servers. I had to re-roll due to the fact that as a TANK I could never get a group because there were only 20 people on the fleet at a time. Re-rolled on the highest possible population server...Get my Merc to 40...Now BW is rewarding only those players with max level toons? Who is in charge of the public relations/Marketing there? Honestly...bad move BW. Not only has the game been some what a disappointment; Key Features not implemented until 1.2 only to have 1.2 blow the game up. Looks like my final 2 days of play time will waste away because the servers are down....


15$ a month

30 days in a month

2 days of down time

=1 dollar



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I have 2 characters over level 40, a sin tank and a Merc Healer. Both on different servers. I had to re-roll due to the fact that as a TANK I could never get a group because there were only 20 people on the fleet at a time. Re-rolled on the highest possible population server...Get my Merc to 40...Now BW is rewarding only those players with max level toons? Who is in charge of the public relations/Marketing there? Honestly...bad move BW. Not only has the game been some what a disappointment; Key Features not implemented until 1.2 only to have 1.2 blow the game up. Looks like my final 2 days of play time will waste away because the servers are down....


15$ a month

30 days in a month

2 days of down time

=1 dollar




Maybe you should have taken the time to level to 50 in the past 4 months.

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I have 2 characters over level 40, a sin tank and a Merc Healer. Both on different servers. I had to re-roll due to the fact that as a TANK I could never get a group because there were only 20 people on the fleet at a time. Re-rolled on the highest possible population server...Get my Merc to 40...Now BW is rewarding only those players with max level toons? Who is in charge of the public relations/Marketing there? Honestly...bad move BW. Not only has the game been some what a disappointment; Key Features not implemented until 1.2 only to have 1.2 blow the game up. Looks like my final 2 days of play time will waste away because the servers are down....


15$ a month

30 days in a month

2 days of down time

=1 dollar




I take it you never read the EULA.


Good riddance, see ya later, please don't troll the forums like the other haters

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