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Option to disable guild online/offline notifications and xp notifications


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Can you please give us the option to disable guildmember online/offline notifications? Our guild has 350 members already and we are still growing. There is massive online/offline notification spam. Some are even leaving the guild because they are so annoyed by it!


And if you are questing and getting two xp notifications for every kill plus the online/offline notification it is impossible to read the chat.


And please let us change the color of the chat to make it easier to differ groupchat from whispers.

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Oh there it is! Didn't expect the chat window to have it's own options. I was always looking in the regular options menu. Thanks a lot!


Ok, new suggestion: Pleasy add ALL options to the regular options window.

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Oh there it is! Didn't expect the chat window to have it's own options. I was always looking in the regular options menu. Thanks a lot!


Ok, new suggestion: Pleasy add ALL options to the regular options window.


How would that work? Currently, you can have separate tabs for chat. Want one just for groups, or one just for guild? Create one. Individually alter each tab you create to be just how you want it.


How would you easily do this in the options menu? Just let us right click as it is now.

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