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Thoughts on 1.2 Legacy


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To me, this Legacy System feels Rushed, and is incomplete.


Lets face it, there are things that should have been in the game on release, but are being touted as "new features".


Guild Banks - should have been there on release.

UI Customization - should have been there on release.


Absurd amounts of in-game money for a few minutes off of the Quick Travel and Fleet Pass amount to nothing more than something to point at the screen and laugh.


The "Coming Soon" features are what I was expecting with the Legacy System, not a Robot for your ship for a MILLION Credits, and other Severely Overpriced things of this nature.


Aside from the "Coming Soon" disappointment...


No Ranked WZ's for the PvP'ers

No LFG tool for the PvE'ers


Now, let me state clearly that I'm not a PvP Player. I am a Casual PvE Player. I'm an adult with two jobs and a mortgage. I dont have tons of free time... but the free time I have, I enjoy playing this game.


I got to L50 with my first toon, and was completely bored. Finding a group is a Joke. The LFG system is a feature desperately needed in this game, and should have been the TOP Priority... not some stupid family tree and half-implemented, overpriced Perks.


I dont discount PvP'ers and their want/need for Ranked WZ's. Thats needed for them as well, and got postponed. That AND the lack of a LFG Tool smacks of poor development/expansion capability on the developers part.


A free month for people with L50's also baffled me.. but thinking about it, it makes sense. This game has been out for around 5 months. Even a casual player should have at least one L50 by now.. I think this was the litmus test for people who have been around for longer than the people who have been playing for a month or two.. Do I agree with it? Naw, if you're going to give free stuff away, you ought not discriminate because using the level of people's character is not a good way to separate people. An Accounts AGE would have been a better way to do this.


So, thanks for the L14 weapon.. Thanks for the ability to create a "Family Tree".. Thanks for the out-of-reach, overpriced perks you put in.. *golf-clap*


But thats all this Legacy System ended up being for me.. (again, aside from what, in my opinion, should have been in the game from the start.)


Ive been playing MMO's for 13+ years. I know how these forums are, and how this thread will probably end up..


I just wanted to state my disappointment for what looks to be a half-assed attempt at implementing something into an MMO that could have been a very cool addition..


(not to mention the Implementation of the half-assed system being FUBAR - servers are still down)


Welp, my "Play Time" is over for the next few days. I hope they get it straightened out.





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Patch 1.2 was already in the works as we were installing the game for the first time. These other things are coming... patients are required.


Yes, the game was rushed to market, but that has nothing to do with development, and nothing to do with BioWare. They were forced by the parent company, the publisher because money is what makes something successful in business.


Though I agree many things should have been in the game, reality is just that... this game needs time to mature into a better game. All we focus on is what is not there, what about what is there?


I haven't had a serious crash yet with SWTOR. I like the game graphics for the most part... other than the end game Sith armor that is ;). I like the story lines, I like the cut scenes, not so much the naked Quinn running around the ship...


We just need to give this game time. World of Warcraft had a ton of problems too when it was first released, and a year later they were still frantically patching the game. I was there through all that, I will be here through all this, hopefully not alone.

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Patch 1.2 was already in the works as we were installing the game for the first time. These other things are coming... patients are required.


Yes, the game was rushed to market, but that has nothing to do with development, and nothing to do with BioWare. They were forced by the parent company, the publisher because money is what makes something successful in business.


Though I agree many things should have been in the game, reality is just that... this game needs time to mature into a better game. All we focus on is what is not there, what about what is there?


I haven't had a serious crash yet with SWTOR. I like the game graphics for the most part... other than the end game Sith armor that is ;). I like the story lines, I like the cut scenes, not so much the naked Quinn running around the ship...


We just need to give this game time. World of Warcraft had a ton of problems too when it was first released, and a year later they were still frantically patching the game. I was there through all that, I will be here through all this, hopefully not alone.


Wow... a Civil, non-flame response! Nice!


I do agree and acknowledge that things "have been in the works" and patience is required. I also agree that as a whole, the game was rushed because of the absolutely Crazy costs of developing it to the point it was at upon release..


Honestly, I think this MMO has The Most potential, bar none... the story lines are amazing, the voice acting.. the interaction versus a "Wall of Text" for a quest... the Light/Dark side reprecussions... all GREAT stuff.. AND its not Linear.. (Go from A to Z regardless of Class, Race, Alignment, etc.)


I beta'd WoW.. I played Vanguard on release.. AoC.. DDO.. Warhammer.. LOTRO... Basically ANYTHING I could play to get away from WoW, which succumbed to the whiners... (I want it all, I want it now, and I dont want to have to work for it)


Ive seen good games released early... Ive seen good games turned to crap... and Ive seen games that were dead out of the gate..


By no means was I saying this MMO was bad. Its not. Not by a long shot.


I was simply disappointed with 1.2 Legacy Implementation as it curently stands (Servers still down)


I have no doubt that this will end up a Great MMO, barring some bean counter who has no MMO Experience making the decisions.


Im here until Curt Schilling, R. A. Salvatore, and Todd McFarlane drop their bomb on the MMO Market.






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