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Well crap. I wake up nice and early, grab some food and a drink, ready to play after reactivating and BAM. The only day I have a huge amount of free-time until thursday next week and BW is screwing up the servers. Woohoo!


That is the story of the day "Finally have a free day and the servers are down" Join the club, membership is free.

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I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.


Shut up.


Better yet, record yourself saying this and put it on YouTube so we can

. Edited by Morvidus
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With all this down time, maybe we will get another 30 days free. Or another pet to follow us around. I think its amusing that they have this problem on the day they start the free time for those returning to teh game. I guess we will find out how well the customer service is with handling the repercussions. Cant wait for the server to come up and have everything work fine. lol
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