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I just changed from Infiltration to Balance and I'am having a bit of trouble with the priorities as listed in the OP of the Shadow Handbook.


Firstly TK doesnt get a mention in the priorities but in the spell notes its mentioned to use it instead of Project providing you dont have to move or at least try and get a second off if you do.


Secondly the Force Strike buff for Mind Crush, I'am sorry but I just dont see the proc come up.

I just hit Mind Crush after a few strikes with Double Strike or Sabre Strike and hope its there otherwise I'am casting for 2 seconds.


Thirdly we use Project to get Twin Disciples, next on the OP priority list is Spinning Strike, well your target might not be at or below 30% just yet so we'll skip that and go to the next one which is Mind Crush.

Cant use that with TD and its ticking away, Sever Force and Force Breach are next on the list but there not melee either then we finally have Double Strike.

By the time we get here TD is gone and has to be redone with Project again.

So that rotation seems odd to me unless I read it wrong from the OP in the Handbook.


There just seems to be a few inconsistencies in the Handbook priorities compared to the spell notes written under them.


Can someone recommend a good priorities list if the OP one isnt relevant/current anymore?


I still struggle with Shadow Strike as my target always seems to turn and follow me when I'am trying to get behind, I tend to stun from a distance so its a bit harder to get closer before the stun runs out.


I'am mainly pve but will play a bit of pvp from now to get the Battlemaster set but pve is where I want a good solid priority list as its a little more settled than pvp.


Any help would be great.

Edited by Rodstorm
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I just changed from Infiltration to Balance and I'am having a bit of trouble with the priorities as listed in the OP of the Shadow Handbook.


Firstly TK doesnt get a mention in the priorities but in the spell notes its mentioned to use it instead of Project providing you dont have to move or at least try and get a second off if you do.


Only use TK Throw if you are completely unable to get within melee range. If there's a boss mechanic keeping you away or something, then it's worth using. But if you can close to melee range, there's no reason to use it.




Secondly the Force Strike buff for Mind Crush, I'am sorry but I just dont see the proc come up.

I just hit Mind Crush after a few strikes with Double Strike or Sabre Strike and hope its there otherwise I'am casting for 2 seconds.


Okay, there are four signs that Force Strikes is up:

1) Your lightsaber flashes briefly.

2) You start to glow yellow.

3) The cooldown for Mind Crush finishes.

4) The purple Force Strikes icon shows up on your buff bar.


#1 is hard to spot, but #2 is one of the most obvious proc indicators in the game. I can't see how you could miss it. Nonetheless, a good, reliable way is to watch for Mind Crush's cooldown to finish early. If you can't spot it between those four indications, I can't help you.




Thirdly we use Project to get Twin Disciples, next on the OP priority list is Spinning Strike, well your target might not be at or below 30% just yet so we'll skip that and go to the next one which is Mind Crush.

Cant use that with TD and its ticking away, Sever Force and Force Breach are next on the list but there not melee either then we finally have Double Strike.

By the time we get here TD is gone and has to be redone with Project again.


That paragraph/section confuses me. Are you saying you don't use Sever Force or Force Breach because they're not melee? And what do you mean you "...can't use that [mind crush] with TD"? You definitely can use Mind Crush with TD up. Also, Twin Disciplines has a 20s duration, so it definitely shouldn't be running out that fast. If you'd be a bit more specific or a bit less vague, I could help you better.




I still struggle with Shadow Strike as my target always seems to turn and follow me when I'am trying to get behind, I tend to stun from a distance so its a bit harder to get closer before the stun runs out.


In PvE, there are three times you can use Shadow Strike:

1) When they are attacking your companion.

2) When they are attacking your tank (if you're in a group)

3) When they are stunned.


If you aren't using a tank companion and you're not in a group, save your stun for melee range or just ignore the skill.


If you're talking about PvP, you just have to get good at movement. With a lot of practice, it's pretty easy to pull off.

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Thanks guys, I never noticed the yellow glow then again I only respec'd last night so its something I'll pay more attention too.

The priorities I mentioned were from the Shadow Handbook here on the forums, not my own ideas, and maybe I misunderstood what was said or even moreso how to use them.

So if I came across non specific or vague I apologise its more my interpretation of what I read prior.

Plus moving my gui around didnt help, a few new abilities as well so its like starting over again which to a point it is.

I'll keep a closer eye on things but I do miss power aura's that would help with proc's a lot.

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Sorry for the double post, I did a bit more research on the forums here, Balance seems good for group work like ops as its consistent damage ata good level, for pvp would Infiltration be better with more moving targets?
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1). Force in Balance on cool down

2). Force Breach (if target not effected)

3). Mind Crush on proc (preferably target not effected)

4). Spinning Strike (below 30%)

5). Double Strike

6). Sever Force (if out of range)

7). Saber Strike (if saving force)



It is a fairly simple rotation to get down, you just reapply dots as they drop off and make sure you are getting the force recharge from Force in Balance.


You'll notice I put a very low priority on Sever Force - I've run a bunch of tests and while it doesn't hurt your DPS, it doesn't really help it either. If you can't get within melee range, it is definitely worth it to use. Otherwise, use it if you want but it doesn't really matter.


Note: I am 7/2/32, I do not use twin disciplines nor upheval nor shadow strike. On the PVE dummy with Columi/BM gear I get about 1150-1200 DPS. On the Warzone Dummy wearing full BM I get a little over 1300.

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Sorry for the double post, I did a bit more research on the forums here, Balance seems good for group work like ops as its consistent damage ata good level, for pvp would Infiltration be better with more moving targets?
You are thinking this the wrong way. Balance is best against moving targets because huge amount of your abilities are ranged and also you have tools to control when they move. Infiltration needs to be up and close(on their face), no ranged attacks unless you count force slow and force stun.


A bit busy atm so probably forgot to mention something obvious but balance is a melee/ranged hybrid that goes melee for procs to boost ranged(and for extra melee dps goodness).

Edited by shagatha
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I do see your point but I did change back to Infiltration as it seemed to work better for me.

Not saying it was more dps just saying I felt more comfortable with it.


I think Balance would be a good spec for raiding on boss fights for sure.


I dont raid though, not geared well enough imo so pvp is my option at the moment and the in your face approach seems to be working although still far from perfect.


I'am fine at leveling its just trying to find that happy place after 50 that I'am struggling with.

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