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BH MERC heals nerfed to be the worst spec out now...


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4 months of time investment blown in one patch. I don't roam the forums too much, has anyone seen any response from Bioware at all (other than forum mods managing threads)?

The only official response went something like:



Healers were too good which cause content to be easier than expected so we had to make adjustments.


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This nerf isnt all that bad. It was much needed but i would've liked it if they just buffed our big heal as well to make it a "big heal". Now im only lvl 39 but my healing scan doesnt heal **** in pvp. Its like it is immediatly lost almost as soon as i cast it
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Leveled my BH Merc as Pyro to 50, got volun-told to be guild healer, and re-speced BG. This was about a week after 1.2 and I headed to the forums to get some ideas of how to play the spec and came to the conclusion: DON'T. When I got into PvP I actually started to believe it and felt really bummed to be stuck with a new and useless level 50.


It's been about two weeks now and I have to say, while the class isn't overly exciting to play, I JUST DON'T GET THE ISSUE. My healing scan is critting for 4.5k, which is almost 20% of most player's health. So, unless someone is below 80%, I don't use anything except rapid shots. If things get really crazy I can use the support cylinder buff to start spamming rapid scan.


I always try to start with my AE heal for the buff and then healing scan followed by rapid scan for the heat reduction. When someone's really low I can rapid scan>power surge>rapid scan>emergancy scan to burst someone from almost nothing to full.


If I do get really high in heat I find using vent heat helps. So does thermal override when using rapid scan at 50% heat or more. It's also really nice that when you have a tank guarding you in PvP the heavy armor makes you almost unkillable. Same goes for PvE when you pull aggro and can pop the sheild without having to worry much.

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It seems like some people keep coming to point out it is possible to heal on BG. Even if it is, so what?


We aren't able to put out comparable healing to the other healing classes. If you can bring a BH hunter and have no margin for error, or bring one of the other healers and have some margin for error, you bring the other healers.


All 3 primary healers in my guild are full Rakata or better. The sorc consistently does 5-7% more of the total healing than I do. And that doesn't include any of the damage absorbed via his bubble. The operative puts out similar numbers to the sorcs. And this is on fights where I parse around 1200 HPS. If player skill is equal, heal output should be comparable.

Edited by Cuomo
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omg you got it totally right imo m8, just its not only pvp heals that needs a revert. The first bosses in HM EC will show you how f@$%#@ed we are right now. it was almost impossible for me to keep tanks up while trying to manage my heat problems, FIX THIS BIO I DONT WANT TO REROLL


You quoted the one fight where it's actually possible to outheal a sorc in total healing done. I do it every week with our HM clears. The other 3 fights I get wasted pretty bad by our sorc but Toth and Zorn is pretty easy for us to do well on.

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You quoted the one fight where it's actually possible to outheal a sorc in total healing done. I do it every week with our HM clears. The other 3 fights I get wasted pretty bad by our sorc but Toth and Zorn is pretty easy for us to do well on.


16 or 8?

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You quoted the one fight where it's actually possible to outheal a sorc in total healing done. I do it every week with our HM clears. The other 3 fights I get wasted pretty bad by our sorc but Toth and Zorn is pretty easy for us to do well on.


well then i guess this has been nerfed past my ability. my op is level 25 now - i gave up. thanks bio.

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I'm concluding currently that 1.2 has bonked BH Healing enough to cause throughput to be a thing of the past.


We no longer can heal at a pace that is fast enough to keep up with ANY decent DPS in Warzones, without punishing our heat bar.


Now I don't mind the fast build up in heat so much as the 0 reliable utility to deal with this increase in heat.


By nurfing the % on the buffs that made our healing stable, then compounding the issue further with increased heat cost to certain utility that made our already clunky heat mechanic somewhat functional, you have effectively gimped this class into a corner. :rolleyes:


While everybody will argue the heat mechanics should be reverted back to 1.2 for at least BH ( we really didn't need this much of an overhaul and I think 100% of the SWTOR players would agree you went overboard ) I think you failed to introduce a better heat system to deal with the increase in cost for most ALL our healing utility.


This class as it is right now is a C Tier class.... it was a B Tier.... but you just slam dunked this class to the bottom tier for PvE healing and PvP healing.


While I understand some ops and sorcs will argue they got it bad also.... you didn't get it as bad as BH did since we were never OP at healing to start..... how often did you see a BH Merc Healer break 500k healing..... not often. :eek:


So please Bioware..... YOU, Guy who works on the PVP code.... wake up....


The Hype Machine that keeps telling you that these development choices that you make are good, should be shot in the head and dragged out into the parking lot... and beaten further with power cables.:mad:


Thats 100% right I talk to op/sorc heals and they are complaning that they are not buffed enough and I'm like try healing a on a bh i would get to 600k healing done in a wz pre 1.2 and now its hard to even past 300k With the marking of healers bh healers are dead right when you get out of the rez door. We cannot even heal while moving only emer scan but it has a long cd and also its hard to even heal ourselves! Isnt that funny we cannot even heal ourselves well because we over heat and cant use rapid shots Bioware better fix this soon before i rage quit the entire game screw re-rolling we should not have to

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