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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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Patching 'again' in the middle of a Friday primetime night for Oceanics. Well played Bioware, well played.


Heaven forbid that a few night owls on the West Coast in the US should be inconvenienced on a weeknight.....

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hey look, more crying and moaning about downtime. It never ends folks. As for the ones complaining, stop and think before you type.


Or would you rather the game remain up with game-breaking bugs or exploits? Either way, the same lot of you people are gonna come here and complain and whine anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter.


Way to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm rather glad I don't know you in real life.


I suspect for many people the feeling is mutual.


If you disagree with someone else's viewpoint, either respond with civility and courtesy (and thus prove you are a mature, educated human being), or leave the thread alone and ignore the OP (and thus prove you are a mature, educated human being).


When you make personal attacks, it shows that you do not know how to think, defend your viewpoints, argue a case, or deal with your own emotions.

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I wish people would stop littering the boards with this trash.


A major release is put out. Issues pop up. Bioware fixes issues quickly. People go insane because the sense of entitlement kicks in due to being unable to play a game for a couple of hours.


Sheesh, Bioware even gave all the hard core players 30 days free only just now.


I seriously dislike it when they patch during anyone's primetime as does anyone else I would assume, but unfortunately it's prime time in multiple locations around the world sometime so someone has to get the short end of the patching stick. Just deal with it. Go out and see the sun for a change or read a book or something.


I wrote one angry post myself when they pulled a primetime patch to do something that benefited only free weekend players but my beef there was the sheer lack of notification combined with primetime... but what do people really think is going to happen when a big patch is put in place? Something crops up that needs fixing, and waiting won't do a thing, so they patch. And people QQ like mad.


Translation: "my angry posts are legitimate because they are about real issues, while your angry posts are just QQ". How perspective changes everything!


However, holding people to different standards to which we hold ourselves is usually called hypocrisy.

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I'll point out that there are other games out there that have lots of downtime. Eve Online, after 8 or so years of operation, has DAILY downtime. In the beginning, it used to last anywhere from 1-3 hours. And since they had only one server (and now only have 2, I think), there was not even the possibility of "staggering"


Plus the server would crash from time to time, and a restart took a minimum of 1 hour....


I believe that for one of their major content releases, the game was offline for a day (at least).


Welcome to the world of MMOs :)

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You can't have it both ways. The forum had many posts with "WE WANT 1.2 NOW!!!"


So they gave it to us. Now they need to fix the things that they didn't have the time to do in order to get it out.


It sounds like you're blaming the forum\community for this state of affairs.


It is fairly obvious that much of the patching has been last-minute and rather rushed, including the eleventh hour yanking of ranked PvP. We are entering into a twilight zone where a new patch is needed to patch the patch.


Bioware needs to learn to do things right the first time around. I sympathise with the OP, because it does feel as though maintenance is being done too often, for too long, and for those of us in Oceania, the patching happens during the day. It is frustrating, particularly when one is paying.

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But why on a Friday night, 5PM to 9 PM local time is not a good way to maintain a happy customer base?


Please change your major patch night from Thursday so the Oceanic timezone don't also lose Friday night primetime as well with Emergency patches. Patching content on a Tuesday so we lose the occassional Wednesday I can live with.


Niether is having sound bug out everywhere you go. Lesser of 2 evils.

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It sounds like you're blaming the forum\community for this state of affairs.


It is fairly obvious that much of the patching has been last-minute and rather rushed, including the eleventh hour yanking of ranked PvP. We are entering into a twilight zone where a new patch is needed to patch the patch.


Bioware needs to learn to do things right the first time around. I sympathise with the OP, because it does feel as though maintenance is being done too often, for too long, and for those of us in Oceania, the patching happens during the day. It is frustrating, particularly when one is paying.


If you play any MMO you know that there can be unforseen things happen. Ive played plenty of MMOs and they ALL have patches like this to fix things usually 24-48 hrs after the first patch. Its easy for you to sit back and say they should simply be perfect and error free like Jesus works there or something. Its 4 hours seriously if its that big of a deal you have much bigger issues my friend.

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Just wish they would put the gmt times for the downtimes again they used to but for some reason stopped doing this recently.


It may seem like they completely dropped these times (took me a re-read before i figured it out haha). However GMT is replaced with BST (British Summer Time) after the clocks changed.

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Really gamers will complaining about every thing. You people will never be satisfied.


So the solution is not to complain and not to provide feedback, and let the Dev team make decisions in the dark? To let them navigate blind, just like in the "good old days" when content came on CDs, and internet forums did not exist?


Honestly, complaining about other people complaining is just pretentious and silly. If you don't like the "complaints", don't frequent the forums. Problem solved.

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So the solution is not to complain and not to provide feedback, and let the Dev team make decisions in the dark? To let them navigate blind, just like in the "good old days" when content came on CDs, and internet forums did not exist?


Honestly, complaining about other people complaining is just pretentious and silly. If you don't like the "complaints", don't frequent the forums. Problem solved.


Complaining about others complaining about people complaining is better? Pot meet kettle :)

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In my 7 years of playing MMOs the one constant has been that there is almost always a patch the same week after a major content patch. Every single game I've played has the same issue.


I have therefore adjust my play time accordingly and tonight I shall be enjoying the beta of another game instead.

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In my 7 years of playing MMOs the one constant has been that there is almost always a patch the same week after a major content patch. Every single game I've played has the same issue.


I have therefore adjust my play time accordingly and tonight I shall be enjoying the beta of another game instead.


And in my years of playing various MMO's, the developers generally release those patches early in the week in order to try to avoid having to bring the servers down on the weekend.


My issue isn't the time of night that they bring them down. I'm used to prime time downtimes being in Australia. It's that this is the third time Bioware has brought them down on Friday's and Saturday's whereas it's never been an issue with other MMO's I've played, regardless of whether a patch has been released.


Fridays and Saturdays are generally when we organise guild activities like raids. It's when most of us are on. I have expectations on downtime which I don't think are unreasonable. Bioware isn't meeting these expectations.

Edited by JRonnie
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And in my years of playing various MMO's, the developers generally release those patches early in the week in order to try to avoid having to bring the servers down on the weekend.


My issue isn't the time of night that they bring them down. I'm used to prime time downtimes being in Australia. It's that this is the third time Bioware has brought them down on Friday's and Saturday's whereas it's never been an issue with other MMO's I've played, regardless of when a patch is released.


Fridays and Saturdays are generally when we organise guild activities like raids. It's when most of us are on. I have expectations on downtime which I don't think are unreasonable. Bioware isn't meeting these expectations.


Since when is Friday the weekend? Sat and Sun is the weekend.

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I think it's fairly normal to have a hotfix after a major patch, as bugs are to be expected with those. The problem isn't that, but it's that Bioware needs a stunning FOUR hours to deploy a hotfix. That's seriously too long. Most MMO companies I have had business with could do that a LOT faster.
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