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The laugh


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Was this taken out during this update, if so, can someone explain to me why it was removed? Is that laugh really that game breaking? I LOVED IT. It was a taunt, during pvp, it was a taunt to your enemies. Is it really gone?
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Yes, it is gone.


"The change was intended to prevent sound fatigue when lots of these procs were going off in a small area (especially in operations)."


I am quite sad about it (see my several lengthy posts), but doubt they'll bring it back as us lowly subscription payers really don't matter in the grand scheme of development.

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Yes, it is gone.


"The change was intended to prevent sound fatigue when lots of these procs were going off in a small area (especially in operations)."


I am quite sad about it (see my several lengthy posts), but doubt they'll bring it back as us lowly subscription payers really don't matter in the grand scheme of development.


Darn. :/. That laugh was such an amazing troll when you are owning people.

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Nothing more fun than kicking someone in the groin, throwing some grenades, then healing your comrades and giggling madly all the while. I have never had as much fun playing a character as I have my smuggler, and it was the giggles that made it so perfectly joyful.


The fact that the loss of the giggle made me literally cry is probably a good clue that I should just quit the game and get on with my real life. ;)

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I just posted about this if anything it was a audio cue for us. I don't know how many hrs go into doing the development of this patch but I feel they taken more than they have ever given back. I was thrill in the beginning to be scoundrel even post 1.1.1 patch but i feel left out.
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Agreed. After leveling several other classes, made a ton of credits on my orginal character (now sitting useless on a dead server), re-rolling to a new server and starting over I had felt like I found my perfect class. So much fun in the storyline, playstyle, charm. I have both a smuggler and an agent, planned to max out both! Yes, I am an altoholic - but smuggler was THE class and perfect fit for me.


In the grand scheme of things most people probably don't care. They're more concerned about the buffs/nerfs to skills used in gameplay. However, to me this silly little sound was key in knowing when I could use certain skills and just completely MADE this character for me. I can't even tell you how many times I was in group skype questing or in a warzone and grinning/giggling myself silly because of how much fun I was having. I'm not some spring chicken either, and this isn't my first MMO. But, this one character has been the most fun I have had in years of MMO playing. She just came together and was totally so much fun. The fact that the sound was useful in knowing the proc made it a win-win situation.


I would be behind any change that allowed me to still hear the giggle. I know others enjoyed hearing it too, but if the devs feel it's too much noise (yes you can crit a lot in rapid succession), then I understand how they would want some way to mitigate that. Maybe make it every other proc or every third proc, or only audible to the player and not everyone else.... I don't know.... but this one deletion is worse than all the additions they made (in my opinion) as far as enjoyment of the game goes. Yeah, it's nice I can scale the UI a bit, and move things around. But, I still can't see the buffs/debuffs very well so while the new UI is handier and a bit more customizable - it still needs more *functionality* built in. The sound alerted me to this proc.


I played another popular MMO for many years. I actually signed up for this one way earlier than my join date indicates but lost my original login, so I look a bit "newer" than I really am. This issue is the first time I have ever posted to any forums anywhere. That is how disappointed and heartbroken I am. I've posted several times about it, and hope a dev(s) read it and consider some option that allows for the giggle to come back. I'm disheartened and disillusioned. Will I quit playing? Not sure. But... I'm definitely not as into the game as I was yesterday when I still had the giggle that made me smile while playing. The silence/grunt... just doesn't do it for me.

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Darn. :/. That laugh was such an amazing troll when you are owning people.


It was an even more amazing troll when you were running around jamming a needle into your leg like some kind of crack addict, laughing like crazy while someone tried to kill you.


And that, good people, is the most enjoyment I ever got out of sawbones.

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I just posted about this if anything it was a audio cue for us. I don't know how many hrs go into doing the development of this patch but I feel they taken more than they have ever given back. I was thrill in the beginning to be scoundrel even post 1.1.1 patch but i feel left out.


Since 1.0, every patch has nerfed Scoundrels or removed something we liked. We've never seen any kind of improvement. Some nerfs were merited, but everything they have done should clearly illustrate that BW doesn't give a **** if you identify strongly with your class or enjoy playing it.


I won't say they hate Scoundrels or anything. I honestly have no idea what they are thinking at this point. Scoundrels are running around as normal players while Marauders and Mercenaries are hero classes. We live and die at their whim.

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If they wanted to prevent "fatigue" why not just make the laugh client side so we can still enjoy it and benefit from its uses? They could additionally just make an audio option in the preferences for those smugs out there that don't like it (shame on you!).
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I've been lost in Mass Effect 3 for the last month and I was really excited to return to my smuggler - until I realized she wasn't laughing.


I cannot begin to describe how bummed I am about this. The laugh was a huge reason *why* I liked my smuggler!


I don't need everyone to hear it, but it sure made me happy. I feel like half of my smuggler is missing. Would love to see this return client-side, as others have mentioned.


Dang ... I don't even feel like logging back in.

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giggle needs to be toggleable, unheard by group members, and ideally adjustable. i hate the new thing, sounds like my tank just harpooned something with me not paying attention or even slighly loaded up on srms and uhs. in solo play, sounds like some mob is harpooning me.
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I am also very bummed out about the loss of my giggle. It was such a light hearted thing when in intense situations to here your character giggle away. I can't even begin to say how much I have laughed away to myself while playing my scoundrel and op.


Would love to see an option to make the giggle available to hear by the character only. That seem like a pretty reasonable thing.


Bring back the giggle :o)

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