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Odd I havent noticed any difference. I am only lvl 36 and have tried different specs since patch 1.2. Tried Tactics for a few days before I went back to Assault today. I am using my heal comp, Elena and kill mobs np, even elites, just like before the patch. I have done a bit of pvp as well in WZs and still havent noticed much of a difference. I dont have any fancy gear or anything.


I might be bugged and my armor still works ;)

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Interesting observation, OP. I'm going to experiment.


Like i say, i don't have any solid proof or numbers but i do know for a fact that i die quicker with IC active, even without guarding people.

I wont be running it again untill it gets fixed.

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I feel a *lot* less squishy today than I did yesterday. In fact, I can once again stand up to most individual opponents, although my lesser gear means that I can't kill the harder guys solo.


I suspect that something was "off" yesterday. You should go out and have another go today before making any serious adjustments to your character.


Rather than die instantly to lightsabers, now I can stand at the terminal in the new WZ and ignore the guy slicing me while I move the bar. At least for a little while.


I'll second this.


One day, indestructible. 1.2 comes out, squished by the same mobs I was trashing the day before.

The patch comes out the next day, back to indestructible again.

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Like i say, i don't have any solid proof or numbers but i do know for a fact that i die quicker with IC active, even without guarding people.

I wont be running it again untill it gets fixed.


I definitely die quicker after 1.2 on my ironfist spec in 50 WZs. I'm not super geared by any means... some BM with some champ but nothing below that. But before I was doing pretty good annoying people, guarding, and living if I have decent healers. Now I just die. Quit even guarding people because I would just fall over dead.


I don't know if it is specifically a trooper problem or just an overall issue with healing being worse and other classes doing better damage. I don't know, but either way it isn't fun anymore being a guard tank. So I'm changing over to full dps and will try both tactics and assault out and see which I like more. If they suck will just move over to my fotm sentinel or level my gunslinger to 50. /shrug

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After reading through 6 pages of this, I finally gave in to my urge and start trolling you power ranger wanna-be's :p


My personal experience as a Jedi Knight on both Guardian and Sentinel against power rangers...er... I mean Troopers, is 3 GCD max, especially on Sentinel. Here is why:


Patch Note 1.2 Jedi Knight in General:


-Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

- Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.


Jedi Knight Focus Spec (Main PvP spec)


- Felling Blow is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).

-Force Exhaustion's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.

-Master Focus now increases the damage of Master Strike instead of affecting Force Stasis.

-Singularity's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).

-Swelling Winds is now located in Tier 1 of the Focus skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash and reduces the cooldown of Force Sweep.




Here is the breakdown:


Overall damaging attacks for JK were buff and CD reduced. Main damage booster (Singularity, increase damage of Force Sweep by 25%, stacks up to 4 times. This means 100% damage increase with 4 stacks) had their duration increased, this means JK can still do LOL1SHOT damage even after they were knocked back or stunned. 2nd component, "Swelling Winds" used to be Guardian exclusive talent, now they gave it to Sentinels too. 3rd component is Dispatch, which is our finisher is increased to 30% (in line with all other Shadow and Gunslinger) but also happens to have the highest base damage out of the three.


My typical 2 shot scenario: Force Exhaust Target A, Force Leap Target B ---> Inspiration---> Force Sweep---> Dispatch. Target B is dead before my root from Force Leap was gone. Guess who Target B was. ;)

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