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Codex Broken!


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hey everyone! I would like to know if the codex will get a fixed sometime?

I have 65 to 61 entrys of epic enemys.

99 to 107 locations and I get all entrys that I can read from the swtor spy data base (except sith academy a location buged)

I have almos all person of interest. (have 3 entrys buged)


I have two entrys for thyton (I'm a sith how I have thyton entrys???)


I want to have my PvE titles, I have done all bonus quest and single quest in the planets and the only title no class history that I have is ravanite. no conqueror of corelia or balmorra..not even Imperial Scholar from korriban


soo Bioware.. can anyone give me a answer.. any codec fix in a short time?

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I wouldn't hold your breath, the codex has been broken since release with (I estimate) over 50% of subscribers complaining in one form or another.


There has been no developer information/time frame for getting this fixed. All we get is "that it works as intended" and "some features have been removed from the game"... but still listed... "please look at the next patch notes."



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