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The High Guard


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The world its self had changed. I found the simulation still running calculation after calculation, as though the system I came to search for data had just not given up... The fact it was left running, even in that phase, did little to comfort me, and it started to make some sense.


The generals had all known about the command rings. Devices designed to focus a temporal shift. It was not strictly republic design. The system used directed energy to amplify particles of light from other phases, to detect multidimensional shifts. The problem was once you where phased into a level, you where it. The ring was the only connection to get back, and if the process failed to recover you, you could end up trapped in that level of temporal distortion. That was the reality of how matter acted in high rates of speed, or under the effects of a dimensional gate. The evidence was right before me.


The process of bringing in soldiers had been an ancient one. Elecium, yet for its intention war never seems to end for some. It was there children that brought new hope. Some where chosen to carry the ranks, and that small group was brought up. They where already trained, the question was how much they could learn from the simulation, to end war.


The process of trying to see other times, other possible realities, was the problem. It was not understood at first the series of phased particles was able to view something that had not happened by a scaled system that accelerated light through energy exposures to alter a directed beam. What they where able to see into was other phases of our world, the question was what else as there.


The protection of sentient life, was our task. After all the destruction of the world, it seemed impossible that one of our own would turn to destroy life. The power they had learned to use, twisted there mind. They believed them-self to be the ultimate power in the universe, as though the ability to change a dream was greater than the lives of others they effected. They had discovered what they where.


The generals who could see into other phases of the world, the side effect killed some of us. It was the ability to see other dimensions. Knowing there was no way to steal immortality, it became there obsession. They believed the cloned children could see every dimension at once. Able to manipulate entire battlefields, through the form of destiny, as guide to the fates. One of the others tried to destroy the evidence, and the system data was all that was left.


If they ever saw the future they had dreamed of, I will never know. The data was stored in the backup drive, and as I turned away from the monitor, I heard the footsteps behind me...

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The footsteps echoed behind me suddenly, as though besides the silent sound of the system, that was the only sound in the world. The shadow emerged from beside the door, as though it had appeared from nothing, and I expected as much.

The data was safely in my glove, and so was the light-saber... They where not getting away with this... the council would learn of what they had done eventually now, either way. The fact they believed them destroyed, showed how little they understood them self.


The deep red hum of that saber cut through the dark, like the lust for blood that its barrier gave off. I could sense it as though it hung in the air, I could almost taste there blood thirst. Few had ever faced one of the old ones, there domination of the mind was absolute, little by little they eroded the will, until that was the result. They where little more than a shadow seeking to feed off the destruction they left in there own wake.


I had only one ability to get out of it, and it took only a moment. Fighting someone engineered at that level may not have been possible to begin with. Though if they could no longer see me, It would not matter, they would not see the tip of the sword either... I had only moments, and disappeared from the site of the Sith. I knew it sensed my movements, even as I dashed toward the entrance it had blocked. I fought toward the door with every step as the air around me became heavy, the force of that ability directed at the spot I had stood only a moment ago. It broke my concentration a moment, and the ability to cloud its mind also, though I was already through the door... It was a dash to escape as I dialed the sequence for th3e ship systems remote eginition.


Lightning exploded a pillar beside me, rock and debris exploded around me again, though the pathway was still clear... I knew what it was when the crows had been turned. I flew like the winds toward the nearest position to get to the jump gate... The force carried my steps more swiftly than the enhancements that kept the shadow guard bound to its place, and before once I had the moment, I disappeared again, a green light against the canvas of the world.


The council must learn of this, even if it is another time, before they are driven to seek a mortal end, that endangers us all...

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