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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do Imperial Agents level 46 pvp weapons have no expertise?


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Any other Imperial Agents (both Snipers and Operatives) out there wondering why the level 46 pvp weapons we can buy for warzone commendations have no expertise?


All 3 of the Cunning based weapons have 0 expertise while others weapons have 25 (ok one weapon has 18 Expertise and 1 lightsaber also has 0). I'm just wondering why Imp Agents don't get Expertise for their level 46 PVP weapons.


Cue: troll knights (not white knights these people are just trolls) saying that 25 expertise doesn't matter, that people who ask questions about this are QQing, that if you don't like the game you should quit, that anyone who says anything even remotely negative about the game is a noob, etc.

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Yeah I noticed that on the rep side as well. I bought the 46 rifle for my trooper not paying attention till after the purchase. I ended up buying an assault cannon too so I can pull the mod and give it to a companion. There is also an assault cannon with no expetise on it, I figured theg were trying to provide optiins.
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