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1.2 Troubles


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I havent really seen the specifics on the nerfs for commando's but i have sure herd alot. What i dont understand is why we are getting nerfed. Well, I mean why are Healers getting nerfed? There is not a single Overpowerd healer in the game Troopers can easily be shut down by marauder and interrupts we have only 2 main healing abilities and no major HoT's or stack-able heals I have broekn 606k before and average over 400k a match, but so what it means im skilled. JUST CUZ YOU ARENT SKILLED ENOUGH TO COUNTER ME DOESNT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BEG FOR A NERF ON ME. geez, the game has been perfectly balanced for a class that has no interrupts and only one major stun in the healing tree why are they messing it up?
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We know that many players are interested in talking about the changes to Commandos in the upcoming Game Update 1.2. You may be interested in joining one of the conversations below, already in progress:


Commando Nerfs: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=363853

Commando after 1.2: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380882


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!


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