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Damage rotation in healing specc?


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There really isn't much of a rotation rather than situational abilities, since we don't have offensive abilities that provide any synergy with each other, other that using rapid shots.


Here's what I do as a healer (assuming you're PVPing). When enemies are grouped use your explosive dart, fusion missile, and DFA. Using thermal sensor override and power surge together with fusion missile is a nice combo, especially if you need to stay mobile. If you have a single target to burn down use your unload, power shot, and rail shot (if you can), and rocket punch if they're closing in (not in any order, just use what's available).

It may seem like you run out of abilities and may lead to power shot spamming but that's the last thing you want to do, because you'll overheat very quickly.


The real trick to DPS as a healer is to weave in as much rapid shots (or heals) to gain supercharged gas. Then spam those power shots, it's quite powerful if you can remain uninterrupted.


If you're healing a flashpoint I'll usually just throw in an unload and rail shot here and there. As well as rapid shots with leads to supercharge gas/power shot spam, which can often lead to pulling aggro :) so be ready for that.

Edited by dkSten
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The real trick to DPS as a healer is to weave in as much rapid shots (or heals) to gain supercharged gas. Then spam those power shots, it's quite powerful if you can remain uninterrupted.



This is the best advice I could give for PvP damage as a body guard.


Crit/Surge Relic -> Supercharge gas -> Power shot spam for 15 sec.

Your heat gen at the end of the 15 sec will be nearly nothing (I think 20 heat) and you can potentially kill 1-2 people in that time depending on how squishy the targets are. Throw in death from above either before or after Supercharge gas is going just for added bonus damage.


30 seconds later once you topped people near you off and rebuilt your stack, get your heat to zero and repeat the cycle.

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