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1.2 question


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Will Bioware be fixing the bug of having to have the action bars visible in order to perform actions? I know all of my keybinds and do not need the bars cluttering up my screen... Is this going to be fixed???
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1. There's a PTS forum


2. I don't see how this is a bug. If it was it's gotta be way near the bottom...


3. If you don't want the bars "cluttering" your screen, don't use 680 x 460 Resolution ;)

Edited by Tormentist
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As far as I know they haven't mentioned it, and it isn't a bug but a design choice I think.


Who knows though, maybe with the customizable UI you can have the bar active but somehow hide it under another bar :)



You don't need to see when the CD's are up for your keybinds?

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