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Combat vs. Watchman (PvE)


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Just got my first character to level 50 the other day using combat spec the whole time. I heard rolling watchman at higher levels is better. Is this true? Should I respec? Also, I might just suck, but I feel like the sentinels are underpowered. I mean I have to have Doc out at all the time to stay alive... (Now he loves me ***)
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try watchman and see if you like it more. In watchman spec you will be using zen more often.


Side note: this game has a problem with companions. For all my characters i made so far (vanguard,juggernaut,shadow,gunslinger,sniper) healing companions are always the best choice. Even on my tanks classes dps companions kill things to slowly and tank with heals = never die. On my dps charcters tank companions are super squishy that die so quick cause of the hero engine and i do enough dps so i don't really need a dps class with me. so heals is always the way to go for solo pve

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Watchman has a heck of a lot more survivability with crit heals from zen. It also has more DPS in a longer fight from constant DoTs. Combat is fantastic for burst DPS, but after that it has it's shortcomings. I'd recommend at least TRYING to respec watchman and see how you like it.
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If you are a fresh 50, watchman is the choice for doing dailys and pvp.


When you gear up, and your companions gear up, you have a broader range of options, like watchman + dps/tank or combat/focus + heal/tank.

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Did you have proof that watchmen do more damage in a long fight.... meaning did you try on a World boss to kill him in Watchmen by yourself and see how many time it take in Watchmen and how many time it take in Combat...


The best to try this on is the Quesh world boss, he dont do much damage to a great player.



Number.. prove me that watchmen do more cause Burst damage that can be do faster then Dot can become better then the Dot.


Cause with my Commando Gunnery spect I do Way more damage as burst then with the Assault tree that is Dot damage. Not because it's dot that it do more damage.

Edited by Dark_Ombra
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