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Thirty Six Hours – In Memoriam


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Written By: Mike Kern


The wind blows cold from the east, carrying with it the scent of freshly turned earth and blood. It unsettles my hair but its caress is soft enough to make me close my eyes. I can not reconcile the things I see with reality and I shut them out. Darkness is much easier to understand than this.


I stand there for an eternity. The whole of Balmorra moves on without me. The war ends, life begins again, the Republic and Empire collapses. These images are more real to me than the present and I surrender to it.


Exhaustion creeps in at the corners of my mind, reaching out with greedy fingers and tempting whispers. To sleep, to dream, these things will erase this reality. In my dreams Vanmere is alive, Shiod is still laughing and Lenmerer still pines for his latest lost love.


Full story here: http://www.republictrooper.com/2012/04/09/thirty-six-hours-in-memoriam/

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