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Kilik Joiners


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Another thread talking about Vector gave me the idea to write this one, but. I am trying to understand how the whole Joining thing works. Is a person's individuality completely compromised when they join? At first I compared it to like the Tok'Ra (spelling?) from Stargate, where it is a true symbiotic melding, but with the kiliks it seems like they take complete control. I mean the joiners all talk about how beautiful it is, yet it is stated that if the kiliks have no more use for a joiner, the bugs within them (how i interpreted it), will devour them. To me the idea that I could be eaten at any time I am no longer useful is not beautiful at all. I haven't gotten far enough into the IA line to really study Vector but from alot of videos it seems like a person's mind is completely compromised when they join. anyone care to share info?
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To be honest I think that Vector's joining wasn't exactly his own decision. Something tells me he overstayed his welcome with the Killiks and the pheromones bonded with him, turning him a joiner. And I like to speculate that those pheromones are actually brainwashing him.



Like the agent is being brainwashed and can't speak the truth about the SIS, Vector can't say that he wants to become human again or that he is a joiner against his own will because the hive doesn't allow it somehow.



But that's just what I conjured up from the IA story. I bet the Vector fans can supply more facts. :)

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To be honest I think that Vector's joining wasn't exactly his own decision. Something tells me he overstayed his welcome with the Killiks and the pheromones bonded with him, turning him a joiner. And I like to speculate that those pheromones are actually brainwashing him.



Like the agent is being brainwashed and can't speak the truth about the SIS, Vector can't say that he wants to become human again or that he is a joiner against his own will because the hive doesn't allow it somehow.



But that's just what I conjured up from the IA story. I bet the Vector fans can supply more facts. :)


Would be awesome for them to expand on that when more story as added, maybe he can figure out a way to break free of them.

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Vector did join the Killiks voluntarily. He did it for diplomatic reasons and you can ask him a little bit about it when you meet him. Later on, you also get the opportunity to ask him if he would like to be free of the bond, if it were possible to break it. He says no, that he prefers being a joiner.


He also retains all of his free will. You do find out that he has more autonomy than a typical joiner though. At one point in the story, you can expressly tell him to do something that goes against what the Killiks want, and he will do it. His first loyalty is to the Empire and he tells you that.


Not sure how it is for the "average" joiner.


I never totally understood the "they would have eaten us" comment...


I wish I could have asked him a lot more about being a joiner. I pried him for all the information I could, but it wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity!


Always curious to hear other people's interpretations of things as well.

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doing lokin's story gives an insight into vector's joining


poor honeybee was used and set up


i would so love to have him watch a fresh captive human undergoing the joining process, begging to be let go, and ask him " were you this frightened when it happened to you?"


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I really wish my human Player Character could be a Joiner, in some way, or at least have the joiner eyes option.


Ohh imagine the RP possibilities. @_@


i like my chiss eyes very much, they conpliment vector's well, imo ~


as for the hive mind.... no agent would dare leave their intel so vulnerable, as to have it shared across the galaxy across countless millions of joiners. for that reason, i can't even trust vector myself ( tho i luff him to death <3)

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