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I have a Commando who is around level 33 or 34. I've been leveling as Gunnery, and going with Elara Dorne as my companion.


Last night, just to mix things up a bit, I thought I'd try switching to Combat Medic and using M1 (I had been combat medic before briefly in the level 20 range to heal a flashpoint and a couple heroic areas). I bought a bunch of upgrades for him on the GTN, so he should be geared up fine.


I did a few quests that way, and I have to admit I didn't like it. I found just sitting there healing him boring, and if I switched my attention for a few seconds (for example, to AoE down a pack of low-health mobs) his health got too low for me to effectively recover.


Now, I don't quite have all my combat medic talent points setup the way I want - I messed up my point allocation and only have 1 point in Field Triage (and of course I don't have Trauma Probe yet).


But I wanted to see what other people thought or what their experiences were leveling up as Combat Medic. Do you have to just tunnel focus on keeping your companion up in tough fights? Which companion do you use? I wonder if I would be better off using Jorgan to help burn stuff down quicker (maybe switching to M1 for quest bosses). He'd be pretty easy to keep geared too, since I could just give him my hand-me-downs and or swap gear between him and Dorne.


I enjoy healing groups (for FPs and heroics), but solo-healing hasn't been as fun. It's more fun to blow stuff up :-). And I've found that I can shift more easily to CC or burn down adds if a patroller wanders into the fight or an add gets summoned.


In retrospect, I realized that I get another tanking companion at the end of Balmorra - I wish I had just held out until then and saved the money I used to get M1 up to par. :/


Anyway, I'd love to know what all the veterans think.

Edited by amantheil
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I speced for CM about level 20 and used Jorgan up to level 45 for grouped up weak mobs and strong/weak groups. Mostly the trash you get through. He does well on most gold elites too if you pay attention to his health.


When I got got Vik I half geared him, got him some good defense oranges and a good weapon and I would use him for hard hitting elites or champions I wanted to solo. He's pretty much a sit back and heal though when you don't have him well geared.


Around 45 I dropped 100k on Yuun and geared him up as well I could without a good weapon and started using him.


Forex is hilarious but he just doesn't seem to be a good tank. I tried him out on Tatooine for a few quests and went back to Jorgan.


At 50 I switch between Yuun and Jorgan, whoever I feel like having out that day. Babysitting their health is important since Yuun especially can't take a hit, but they kill things so effectively that it doesn't matter.

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i've used jorgan through 41 and recently tried yuun. i went right back to jorgan. i feel i can see the fight better with him being ranged. when in a group, i'll probably use yuun. Edited by Onomaus
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