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Longtime Healer Looking For Good PvE DPS Build


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I leveled up as a healer. I curently heal in raids. Everything I've done with my Commando has been healing.


However, our guild is currently more in need of DPS then Heals for raiding, so I'm thinking of changing. Can anyone suggest a good, PvE / Raiding build for Commando DPS?


Thanks in advance!

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this is what i use for PVE ops. i occasionally have to throw out heals, so quick thinking really helps.


it fits my playstyle a lot that i burst down a lot then recharge a lot more with recharge cells with the two points in cell capacitor, but i notice it's missing from most specs.


i saw a build recently with parallatic combat stims that looked pretty interesting. there's a few fights that where everything it seems puts a snare on you. could be worth checking out.

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That's my current spec. I use to spec into paralactic combat stims but what pushed me to cell capacitor was that it pushes you from empty to top tier regen instantly which I found overall to be much more helpful in every fight for sustainability, and means that during a high burn phase you can go ahead and run yourself dry for the duration of your adrenal/relic, then recharge cells, be right back at top tier regen and go back to your normal sustainable DPS.



Many of the defensive points are mostly a matter of taste (Cover fire vs Tenacious Defense vs Heavy Trooper), and to each their own. The spec posted by the person above me was pretty good except I would spend three points on Target Lock. I know people are all "LOL accuracy" but Full Auto and High Impact bolt are both weapon damage and my personal feeling is you still want enough accuracy to get to 100% weapon accuracy, and 3% accuracy is pretty nontrivial when it means you can essentially pull out all the accuracy enhancements on Rakata gear and still not worry about a tick of full auto, or worse a High Impact Bolt, getting dodged or just flat out missing.

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