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Smuggler = hard choices


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My smuggler will be my 6th 50 when I finish leveling. I'm saying this because I've done the pvp character, the good, the evil and the raiding character and now I just wanted to level a character by putting myself in the mind of it – making choices of which I think a smuggler would make. Here is the problem I can't seem to get any alignment one way or the other. I'm closing in on level 30 with this guy and still neutral – is anyone else having that problem? I'd like to hear if ya do and if you plan to force some alignment one way or the other – or just play it out and see where it goes.
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im not big on the alignment system to begin with, particularly for non force using classes. as such, i played my smuggler without any consideration for it story-wise, instead just taking each choice as it came depending on how i felt about the characters involved and such. i leaned lightside, if i hadn't had diplomacy probably would've ended up light 1 at 50. so, yeah, i guess i kind of had the same experience as you're having, but i really enjoyed it.
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I would also be in the gray area with my Smuggler if not for the fact that I grind Corso affection and he's really big on light side choices. I started out by selecting dialogue options that I personally found proper but had trouble defining the character itself.
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