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Under the Veil


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Part 1 - Call to Arms



The air was hazy, a dream like mist covered most of the room. It was a damp and cold night in Tython, the lights were turned off, the only ilumination coming from the small window. The room was spartan, only a small bed, a table and a small brown carpet.


A small lithe figure stood imobile in a sitting position over the carpet. She was wearing a common brown robe, the hood shadowing her face. Her hands were held over her chest, her breathing slow and controlled. Her skin was pale green, a testament of her mirialan blood.


She stood there, immovable. If not by her chest rising and falling many would consider her a statue, just part of the furniture on the room. He eyes were heavily closed, her mind struggling for peace.


The door on the far side of the room opened with a hiss bringing a shaft of light into the room.


“Oh my..”
the voice of a protocol droid echoed in the room, followed by small metallic steps.


“I'm sorry, Master Hahnu..”
he simply stood there, in front of the sitting figure, his arms held in an awkward position, his robotic eyes watching her with intent.


“There is nothing to be sorry for, T8.”
Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. It carried a musical note, almost beautiful if you could ignore the deep melancholy that plagued her words.


“Master Kol-Var requested your presence in his rooms a few hours ago and is worried that you didn't come so he sent me to find you..”
His voice trailed off, his torso tilting to the left.


“Tell him I will be there soon.”
Her eyes snapped open, they were deep blue, the blue of a clear sky or a lightsaber blade. But now they were red. Red and sore.



Master Kol-var Morrdaris was old. His olive skin was wrinkled and spotted, he was thin. In fact he looked like someone rolled some old parchment over a skeleton. A very small skeleton. But his brown eyes held the wisdom that came with his position and he still stood with the presence of someone that could defend himself. But now he looked worried. His eyes were fixed on the small form of his apprentice, a small mirialan named Hahnu Sar. She stood trying to appear as serene as she could but he could feel her hurt. It was like the first snow of a long winter echoing through their connection in the force.


his voice was a deep baritone, more fitting to a bigger man. On him it was always gentle and serene, but she had seen him fighting enough to know what he was capable of.


“Master Kol-var, you requested my presence.”
She bowed, a deep and polite greeting. Her face was the same pale green as her hands but showed several geoemtrical shaped tatoos on her face. Her hair was black and short. She was a very skilled fighter, she knew how to move unseen everywhere and understood the force. He was damn proud of her.


“Yes, Hahnu. I asked for you a few hours ago..”
He left the rest unsaid. There was no hint of reproach on his tone, only worry.


“I'm fine, Master. It will all come to pass.”
The hurt in her voice was almost a knife stabbing his heart.


“I know, child. I'm no stranger to loss. I've lost many... in Coruscant and beyond. But that's not why I asked for you to come here now. I have an assignment for you.”
That got her attention, her eyes moved from the ground to meet his gaze in a fraction of seconds. She needed something to help her forget.


“You must but ask, Master.”
Her body snapped to attention, she was eager to be somewhere else.


“We lost too much in the Sack of Coruscant. Too much. So many. And it was worst after it, our temple was sacked and many things were lost. An associate has information of a important relic that was stolen from the temple, it has been spotted in Alderaan. We believe one of the many houses there bought it for a personal collection. You are to move and retrieve it.”


“I will go at once, Master. What else can you tell me ?”


“You will take my ship, everything I have on the relic and it's current owner is stored in a datapad in my room. But be careful, my apprentice, you must not be caught by the Sith and must not tell anyone of your real mission. Not even other Jedi. You must be silent and move fast.”


“Not even the Jedi, Master?”


“No. Specially not the Jedi. There is much happening behind the curtains, Hahnu, remember that. If anyone asks you are on a mission for me, looking to buy art from Bothawui. That should be enough. Don't trust no one. Once in planet contact Maruu Stor, she is an old friend, she will give you some info. But even her must not be informed of your true mission.”


“I doubt that anyone would believe that you sent me to buy art, Master.”


“No, it's so absurd that they might really believe it.”


When she left her master had a smirk on his face that she learned to love. She never really knew her father as she knew her master and she would die before she would let him down.



The Defender-class light corvette streaked throgh the atmosphere of Alderaan. It's twins engines flaring to life as the ship accelerated towards the spaceport. The ship was brand new, her master barely leaving Tython these days. It was a gift from the council to Master Kol-var to show their respect to his deep knowledge of the Jedi history.


The ship touched the landing pad with the grace of a predator, a big bulky one. Hahnu watched the info scrolling through the screen on the bridge, most of it were news of murders and arson. Alderaan was on the middle of a war, a struggle for dominance between the Empire and the Galactic Republic. An cold and bloody war.


She let out a deep and tired sigh, moving out of the chair. The voyage was easy and fast enough, but she felt the need of a bit of stretching.


“T8, take care of the ship. I don't expect trouble, but you know you drill.”


“Yes, master.”
The voice of the droid sounded unworried, but she was not so sure, those droids tended to be afraid of everything.


The ramp touched the ground with a hiss of hydraulic stress, Hahnu walked it down with purposeful strides. She wore a simple brown robe, closed over her chest. It was useful to hide the hilt of her lightsaber but it screamed of Jedi. The hood was down, a cold crispy wind touched her face. The smell of engine exhaust and oil tainted the air.


An older woman stood on the hangar, wearing common clothes. Everything in her screamed of “common”. Her clothes, her grey hair, her posture, her wrinkled face.


“Welcome, Hahnu Sar. Master Kol Var speaks highly of you and asked me to arrange you information on Bothan art and the recent coming and going of the art market.”


She went straight to the point, Hahnu liked it. The young jedi bowed respectfully before grasping a small datapad from the older woman.


“Hello, Maaru Stor. Thank you. How is the planet holding?”


“Badly. There is war going on, my dear. The Empire wants this planet. Needs this planet. And nor the Republic nor House Organa is going to let them take it.”


“What about you?”


“My loyalty lies with my good health. But I have no love for the Empire. I'd prefer to live under the Republic if that's what you are asking.”


Hahnu watched the older woman, scanning her with her blue eyes. She found nothing, she could not read her at all. Whatever that woman was she was not an art seller.


“I see. That's good enough. I will go about my business now. Thank you Maaru Stor.”


Hahnu bowed again, leaving the docking bay and into the spaceport proper. The Apallis Spaceport was thriving with merchants, Republic representatives and soldiers from House Organa and Alde. Her eyes scanned the crowd as she found a suitable space near the entrance. Her eyes wandered to the datapad, scanning the information as fast as she could. Most of it were useless. Interesting enough there were lots of information about smuggling of art to Alderaan, and the best piece of information came from a shipment of unknown origin to someone of House Thul, the ones who openly backed the Empire. Hahnu frowned. It could be everything, from weapons to food. Why was it listed on the datapad that Maaru Stor? She kept her gaze neutral before moving out.


She brought her holo communicator from her robe.


“T8, I need information about House Thul – everything you can, from plants of their estate to whatever you can find. And fast. Also keep an eye on the holo for any information about our target.”


“Yes, master.”
Came again the monotonous answer.


Hahnu returned her gaze to the spaceport, there was still a place left to go. Walking slowly she left the spaceport going for where the speeders were rented.


“Take me to Castle Organa.”
the droid simply answered as she inserted her credit chip in the right place. The speeder started moving towards her destination. Hahnu again frowned, she was pursuing a ghost of her past, of her childhood, and hoped to be right.


Castle Organa was a magnificent place, carved in the side of a snow peaked mountain. It held many beautiful gardens and somber looking towers. Hahnu held her breath as the speeder slowed and stopped by a checkpoint. Four soldiers came, blasters at hand, but she could see the real threat came from the young man on the back, his white robes open and showing the hilt of his lightsaber.


Hahnu simply walked towards them, she kept a serene face and held their gaze. The soldiers were more relaxed now, they clearly knew her by her clothes. The young man came forward, he had an easy smile, a confident smile. But his eyes held an hint of threat.


“Welcome to Castle Organa, my dear. I'm Ballus Fari, at your service. You wouldn't mind telling me who you are, would you ? We don't get many visitors these days.”


Hahnu watched him in silence. The soldiers held their guns pointed down but were ready. They were afraid of something. This planet was really in trouble.


“Hello Ballus Fari. I'm Hahnu Sar, I came under orders of my Master Kol-Var Morrdaris and i'm looking for a friend. We were trained together in Coruscant before the War. His name is Stryb.”


The man countenance eased, she could feel the tension dropping considerably. But his cocky smile remained.


“Oh yes. Stryb. The big guy must be at the armory now. I will take you there.”


With that he bowed in a respectful manner and started walking towards the Castle, Hahnu followed suit.


“Why all the security ? Have you been attacked ?”


The man laughed. Nodding his head after a few seconds. His laughter was bitter, she could feel the hurt on him. They were truly at war.


“You could say that. Your master didn't tell you what kind of mess he sent you? The Empire attacks us under the shadow of “terrorist groups” and we can't fight back because some damn politician is worried about a treaty. We are at war. The Empire understands that. Too bad we don't.”


Hahnu sighed. It was a common view among the younger of her order, eager to take the fight to the Empire. She was not so eager, she still felt the pain of the last war. Pain that sent a wave of hurt through her nervous system right now.


“There. The armory. You will find your friend there.”


He was pointing to a boxy structure, she could hear screams of man training. She simply walked past the young jedi, moving with purpose but trying not to look so worried. It has been so many years since she last saw Stryb, she only hoped that he remembered.

And then she saw him.


Strybjorn was a big man. Big might not be the right word. He was huge. He looked like a mountain, a red mountain. His red beard was kept well trimmed, a red bush in a pale white face. His hair was red, already greying on it's side. He was screaming at some soldiers that were trying to hit him with training swords, glowing sticks as they called it. He was big, strong and unusually fast for someone of his size and was giving the hell of a beating to some poor soldiers. She smiled, she was always found of him, that big bully.


“Are you guys done yet? ARE YOU DONE YET?”
His voice was harsh and deep as he was beating some poor guy until he didn't fight back.


“Do you think the Empire is going to give you respite?”
A nose was broken.


“Do you THINK that the EMPIRE is going to TAKE IT EASY?”
A scream and someone would have to spent a few days without using his fingers.


“I didn't think so.”
with that he thrown his sword to the ground. She understood what he was doing. Harsh training was needed. He was not beating them for the sheer pleasure of it, but because he needed it.


“Maybe you could try someone of your size, you big rancor-head.”
Her voice sounded almost childish next to his screams.


He turned, a defiant look on his deep green eyes. And soon a smile opened under the bush of his red beard, showing broken crooked teeth.


“Damn my sore eyes if that's not the prettiest green thing I saw on my entire life!”
With that he came like the big bear he was and hugged the small girl.
“Hahnu! Finally someone that understands what we're going through!”


“Stryb, I missed you.”
She really meant it. He was one of the only found memories she had of her childhood in Coruscant.


“You are all dismissed.”
With that he turned his gaze towards her.
“And what are you doing here, little girl? Last I heard you were doing errands for your old master. Didn't expect to see you on this mess.”


“Actually my master sent me, but we will talk about that later. I'm glad that you are still here.”


“I couldn't leave. Not after what we went through...”
She knew what he meant. When Alderaan was attacked he was one of the Jedi that were left here. They formed a resistance, and now were fighting from the shadows of this Cold War. They were fighting under a veil.


“I understand..”
She never had time to finish. An huge alarm broke through the castle, sirens wailing, red lights flaring to life. They were under attack.



And so Part 1 is ended. I hope to post Part 2 in a few days. This is not only the tale of a character but will also be the background of her entire legacy. I don't like to have every character with the same background ingame - everyone trained by the same master, going through the same ordeals so i changed a little. Also sorry for any grammar mistake, English is not my first language. And i'd be really grateful for ANY comment and any input. Thanks everyone.

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Part 2 – Shadow Games



They sped through Castle Organa, their very movement imbued with the Force. Hahnu moved with the grace of a stalking predator while Strybjorn moved like a angry rancor. Both held their weapons at hand, she held her long lightsaber hilt while Stryb held twin hilts of a simple design. Hahnu's lightsaber was pure silvery white, decorated with geometrical symbols in a golden metal.


The entrance was in sight now, a line of Organa soldiers fired relentlessly against a group of enemy soldiers. They could see a blue line moving in an intricate pattern in the middle of the line, a Jedi defending the castle.


The pair moved even faster, speeding through their own lines and going against the enemy. The lightsabers came to life. Strybjorn moved his twin green sabers with intent, each movement sending a blaster bolt back to it's owner. Hahnu's yellow blade came to life, her double bladed lightsaber was beautiful and deadly and yet really difficult to master. She moved her weapon in flourishes, the Force guiding her hand to deflect each blaster bolt. With a grunt of effort Strybjorn sped past her, jumping the rest of the way, the force imbuing him with great strength. He landed amidst the foes, his sabers wreaking havoc among the enemy.


Hahnu moved with a delicate grace, spinning between her enemies, slashing left and right with beautiful movements. To fight with a double-bladed lightsaber was a difficult task, the weapon didn't allow most movements and required long sweeping movements to effectively strike. That didn't stop Hahnu at all, she fought with speed and grace bringing her saber in a slashing arc under the guard of a enemy soldier, the blade sheared through his knees cutting through flesh and bone with ease, the enemy screamed as his body collapsed. She could see that the other jedi was with them now, his blue blade flashing to her right.


Strybjorn's Juyo was a mirror of himself: direct, bold, strong. His face fixed in a frown, his twin blades brought only destruction amongst the enemies. Hahnu's Soresu fought with quick counter strikes and sweeping movements to deflect enemy blasters. Each was the opposite of the other, pure offense and defense, and both brought much destruction to the enemy that now began to flee, most of them never had the chance, crossfire form the castle destroying their lines. As fast as it began the battle came to an end. Hahnu simply watched the scene, more than thirty enemies were dead. Most of them with deep cuts from Lightsabers or burnt holes from blaster fire.


“Mercenary scum.”
She realized that the speaker was the jedi that welcomed her to Castle Organa, and she simply nodded. The enemy was a menagerie of races, most of them with the clear looks of mercenary.


“Imperial job?”
Her voice was serene but touched with a hint of disgust.


“Sure. Under the guise of House Thul.”
Strybjorn spat the last word, switching his sabers off while he watched the carnage.


Dusk was fast approaching and her mission getting more problematic.




“So, let me understand this: You are here to find something, that you don't know what and don't know where it is, and to get it out of the planet ? Something that most probably is being held by House Thul ?”




They were sitting on a small room on a local cantina, the Shining Star, the kind of place that held a lot of unsavory people and was secretive enough to allow this little meeting. Strybjorn was wearing his dark blue robes open, under it a battle armor more fit to a soldier than a Jedi. Hahnu still wore her simple brown robes.


“You are crazy. You can't go there, you don't even know if it's there. The Empire is backing House Thul while we back House Organa and in the middle of everything House Ulgo sits on the Throne. This place is mad if you ask me, but you are worst if you think you can infiltrate there. They have Sith there, you know?”


“I realized that. But I can't give up, Stryb. You know that. You are here longer than me. You must know someone that can help me.”


“There is someone. A smuggler. He used to sell to both sides but...”


“But ?”


“But I don't trust him or his kind.”
Stryb left out a tired sigh. His voice clearly affected by the day's exhilarations.


“Do we have any other choice?”


“You could tell your master that it's impossible. And then you could join us and help us against the Empire around here. We need Alderaan back.”


“I can't give up, Stryb. Not now.”


“Then you will allow me and Kharus to join you. “
Kharus Organa was the other Jedi that fought with them in Castle Organa, born in Alderaan and son of a cousin of the current Duke.


“I prefer to work alone but if I have no other choice...”


“You don't.”


“Ok then. We go together, retrieve whatever they stole and then, if my master allows, I will help you here.”


“Deal then. Let's go meet Feyn.”


“Feyn ?”


“Captain Feyn of the Morokei. Your only chance. A Smuggler, pirate, wanted in almost eight planets and veteran of the most insane runs you could find.”


“Seems like a nice guy.”


“You have no idea.”



Captain Feyn worked from a decrepit warehouse in the Apalis Coast, the place was ugly, unsavory and remote. The kind of nest that a Smuggler would love. His ship probably would stay in the Pallista Spaceport, the same place were Hahnu left her ship, but he must store his goods somewhere.


Stryb simply walked to the door and pressed a button in the intercomm near the door.


“Yes, what do you want?”
The voice came in the middle of a lot of static, it was a male voice.


“Captain Feyn ? It's Strybjorn from Castle Organa, you crazy womp rat. We have a job you might be interested in.”


“I'm not interested in Jedi business. Get out of my warehouse.”


“Oh, I will remember that the next time you try to sell your shady goods in Castle Organa you old fool. I will remember and I will also add a few problems for you in the spaceport.”


“Ah, my old friend Strybjorn! I was joking. Come on in!”


The door opened with a hiss, the place reeked of age. They simply walked in.


Feyn's room was small and yet pretty. A small table and a few chairs were set. The walls were decorated with tapestry from different planets and a few animal's heads, most of them hunted by the smuggler himself. Feyn wore common clothes: a pair of military boots, black pants, military black gloves and a old brown leather jacket. Stripped to his side was a custom made D203 Blaster Pistol, most probably fitted to his hands and needs. He was older than the expected, with a short grey hair and a full grey beard and yet he was strong built. Shorter than Strybjorn but barrel chested and his face held some scares and signs of age. He was a veteran spacer and had his fair of cantina brawls. But his blue eyes held no hint of age, they were quick and watched them with curiosity.


“So, you said you had a job, spit it out.”


“We need to find something that was sold to House Ulgo. An antique. A very important antique.”


“No deal. Get out.” Feyn was suddenly angry, his face fixed in a scowl.


“Come on Feyn, I know last time they almost killed you and even managed to hit your baby a few times. But you are the only one that dealt with them and I know you can get us there.”


“ I want three hundred credits upfront and two hundred when the job is done. Also I want you to get me a deal on kolto for House Organa and maybe, I said maybe, we can get there.”


“No way that's..”


“Deal.” Feyn watched Hahnu with his blue eyes.


“Hahnu, that too much, we could buy half of House Thul with that!”


“We need him, Stryb. My Master will pay that.”
With that she produced a credit chip from her robe, handing it to Feyn who watched her with caution.


“How many people you want there ?”


“Three. Us and a friend.”


“Ok, here is the deal: I can get you there and I will get you out. You will have at least thirty minutes to do your job and get out, after thirty minutes i'm leaving with or without you. I will be using my own speeder, so if I get shot down you will have to give me a new one too. And a new one. Not some old junk.”


“But you drive an old junk.”


“That's not the point, Strybjorn. Learn with your pretty friend, kid, or do all jedi haggle like old women in the market ? Anyway, meet me here in three days. Bring your weapons and all the guts you can muster, you will need them.”


“How do you plan to get us in?”
Hahnu watched him, her eyes looking for any sign that he might betray them.


“Listen, sweetie, that's my job. I've been getting people in and out of unsavory places for as long as I can fly. I could sneak a rancor from under a Hutt without him noticing it so leave it to me, just worry about getting out of there alive.”


Hahnu simply nodded as they got out of the warehouse, bowing to Feyn as he waved them goodbye.


“Can we trust him?” Hahnu asked without looking back.


“Absolutely not. But as long as we pay him he will get the job done.”


With that they moved away in silence.





Somewhere in Thul Castle a pair of black robed figures moved through a hallway. Both wore simple black robes, their faces shadowed by black hoods.


“Your attack failed, Master. Your forces were slaughtered.”
Her voice was silky like a spider, the kind of voice that sent a wave of cold through a man's spine.


“I have not failed, fool. The mercenaries were expendable. Now, tell me again of their defenses.”
The second voice was almost a whisper, cold and dry, if old dust could speak that would be it's voice.


“They had three Jedi in the defense, but they have at least four other in the castle. One of them I never saw before, a mirialan, she wielded a double-bladed lightsaber and knew how to use one. The others were the usual: clumsy and full of themselves.”


“One of them is already mine, my apprentice. It's just a matter of time now. I will be leaving Alderaan to Dromund Kass. You will oversee my operation here and you will not fail me. My contact informed me that the Jedi have contacted someone in the Apalis Coast, they might be planning a counter attack, be watchful, they must not learn of our plans.”


“Yes, my master. If they dare to move against us I will crush them.”


“You will. If you don't then you better die, otherwise it's you that will be getting crushed. Do not let them learn of your mission.”


“I will not.”


With that she moved away. Her face was grim, and in the dim light her white skin was the color of bone. She would not fail her master, instead she would rise above his expectations, and then she would be the one crushing him. The path of the Sith left no room for mercy and Wyrd had none.



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