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Malvolio's Story - Day 5


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(This will likely be my last entry, I don't have the time to continue with this project for the little interest I've had in it, so much other stuff to do - maybe it will be something to go back to in the future)


Video Here -


Arriving on Carrick Station I was greeted by Captain Jefris who informed me that due to my pure awesomeness I was selected to be enrolled in one of the advanced trooper training programs, I could choose the Vanugard or Commando specialties. He told me to see the advanced trainer and tell him which program I wanted to enroll in. That was great - but he didn't tell me where the trainer was. Well, the station can't be that big can it?


I asked Jorgan, but he had no idea either. So I just picked a direction at random and headed that way. I tried stopping to ask some people on the way but no one would talk to me. Friendly place.


The first area I found was filled with people performing all types of different crafts. And a bunch of guys standing behind booths that claimed they could give me the low down on all different kinds of crafting stuff. I ended up chatting with a guy who was talking about grenades and cool stuff like that - I signed up on the spot. He gave me a stack of papers and told me to get lost. When I looked over the papers I was even more confused ... what is Desh? Silica? Where am I supposed to get this stuff?


I asked a few other guys if they had stuff that made sense, but they told me that since I already had a stack of papers they could give me any of their papers to look at. Lot of help they were.


I had almost given up when I came across a guy that told me he could show me how to find the Desh and Silica and other stuff I would need - perfect! I told him to sign me up and held out my hands for more papers. He just nodded at me and told me I was all set. I was so confused!


Before I left the area for good a guy at a counter called me over, he said he worked for the black market and I looked like a man that could appreciate a bit of private enterprise. Well he'd found the right fella - he said he'd hook me up if I signed on with him, so I did.


I stumbled across a mailbox on my way toward the next tunnel and checked in, there was a letter from Zak telling me that things were going better and he had hope that his girl would eventually come around and see things from his perspective. There was no return address so I couldn't write back and tell him not to hold his breath - oh well.


I found a bunch of vendors, including a speeder vendor (who refused to sell me anything, how rude). There was also a shady guy selling equipment that he claimed was tuned to the dark side, and another guy who claimed he had light side equipment. I didn't know objects were one or the other. I wonder if my boots are tuned to the darkside, they are sadistic and like to hurt my feet - and I wouldn't mind thinking I was walking all over the dark side all day.


I also came across a bunch of guys selling equipment that looked pretty cool - unfortunately they wouldn't sell to me either, claiming that I wasn't experienced enough to make use of it. What is that supposed to mean? I want the new equipment so I don't get killed, but first I have to survive longer before I can have the equipment? Whats up with that?


I also found the cantina - break time! I ended up grabbing a seat and a drink. Jorgan and I had a nice chat ...


Jorgan and I having a talk - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Grj-Mvu4Ym4/T4HF6LuH3VI/AAAAAAAAAao/BGFH0t2v30s/s640/Mal+Jorg+seated.jpg


"So, any idea where this trainer is Jorgan?"

J - "I already told you - I don't know, I haven't been on Carrick Station before"

"Well go ask for directions or something, make yourself useful."

J - "Why don't you just open that fancy interactive map of yours and look for the glowing mark"

"... How do you know about my map?"

J - "I'm sorry, was I not supposed to look when you turned away, hunched over and yelled 'Don't look at me!' ?"

"Hey look! There's a glowing green marker - we should head over there"

J - "Wow Lieutenant, that's some quick thinking"

"Shut up, or I'll bust you down to Private."


Fancy map that I carry around - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FVVJZzXsdAA/T4HGAEyCoWI/AAAAAAAAAaw/xTaKlsnOZ6I/s400/Fancy+Map.jpg


No thanks to Jorgan I finally found the advanced program trainer that I was looking for. He gave me more of a run down between the two specializations. I could either be a walking turret with a giant gun like Jorgan, or get up in people's face and be an unstoppable killing machine. It was a tough choice, and as much as I want one of Jorgan's guns, I'd rather mess people up and last longer. The training program is codename "Vanguard" ... sounds stupid, but I guess you can't have everything.


The guy gave me a pack with a shield generator in it, score! Now I can walk through blaster fire unscathed. I was so excited I didn't listen to what else he said, who cares, i have a personal shield generator! I did hear something about further training and he pointed me over to Qonbla standing behind a desk. I had a brief chat with the guy and he made a quick modification on my rifle so that I could fire a concentrated Ion pulse like a bullet in addition to the spread energy spray thing. Cool deal.


With my business finished up on the station I headed for the departure level. I stopped to ask a Transport officer where I should go and he gave me two options. I could either take a shuttle, which was slower and cramped, or the General had booked me passage on the Esseles - large, fast, roomy and VIP transportation. I don't think I could take being crammed in a small shuttle with Jorgan for a long trip again so soon, so I elected for the Esseles. The catch was that I couldn't go alone, I had to make friends first.


What kind of system is that? I'm the passenger here, couldn't the other people just sign up to fly and when there were enough of us we could get going? Why was I doing their job for them? If they wanted to sell tickets they should sell tickets. After a while trying to sell tickets (like 3 days checking on an off) I decided to just cram myself into the shuttle with Jorgan and get it over with - it wasn't worth waiting any longer.


The trip was quick and uneventful - I was actually pleasantly surprised. Coruscant isn't like any other place I've been - just looking out at the city made me feel tired, it's so busy everywhere, and so many people ... Jorgan even had a few words to say, apparently this wasn't his first visit.


On my way to meet up with the General I came across a guy named Anitol who is some kind of Senator's aid. Apparently the senator has hear of my awesomeness and wants to meet with me. I can't blame her, I'd want to meet me too. Since I'm heading to the senate tower anyway I agreed to at least meet with her. I also made sure to stop by the picky transportation bot and talk to him so they couldn't claim I hadn't been to a location and would actually let me fly back here.


Coruscant - http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Da0LJ8TxbY8/T4HGHWTlg9I/AAAAAAAAAa4/Ur8Sa9MvkM0/s640/Coruscant.jpg

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