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CM pvp build post 1.2


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Hi to all fellow CMs,


what do you think, will Kolto Residue be worth of taking it for pvp post 1.2 patch?


here my suggested build



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Wasting 2 points for kolto residue is hardly worth it as it is. After 1.2 that talent is utter useless. 3%? Its a fkin joke, and an insult to the entire commando/merc community. Not like Im gonna keep playing this crappy game anyways, but seriously.


For your build I would put two points in advanced tech though, for 2% more healing done and taken. Thats 4% more unconditional selfhealing which is pretty good. Also one point in first responder is plenty imo. I would also skip the two points in med zone. Unless you really, really want to be sure to get the 5k healing medal. Not like you really are killable with reactive shield popped anyways. For PvP at least I also find that treated wound dressings for the 4% less damage takn is a must. In an average match I have about 200-500k damage taken when playing medic. So thats 8000-20000 damage mitigated right there...

Edited by Niconogood
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This right here is my present PvP, which I adjusted a bit after seeing the patch notes for 1.2. Obviously its still too early to see if additional changes will be necessary, but here's my thoughts on it:


  • Efficient Conversions (lowers the costs of Commando CCs) - The value of this talent has gone up. Since it cuts the cost of CCs, that ammo can all be dedicated for the rising cost of healing.
  • Field Traige (reduces the cost of your next MP) - This is being changed in 1.2 such that the ammo reduction is only 1 instead of 2. This reduces the value of this fundamental 3-point Combat Medic skill. It still helps cut costs though, so I can't live without it.
  • Cell Capacitor (provides 1 to 2 additional ammo when activating Recharge Cells) - Personally, I have no need for this talent. I only use Recharge Cells at the end of a controlled burn through my ammo, and always plan ahead to give myself a GCD or two afterwards to allow complete regeneration. The additional 1-2 ammo would let me heal sooner, but isn't honestly worth the points in my opinion. 1.2, right now anyway, hasn't changed my opinion.
  • Trauma Probe (reactive heal ability) - I am going to have to take a very long look at this one. Right now, I love placing this on myself in PvP or an ally if I'm not being bothered by enemies, but the increased ammo cost of 2 significantly cuts its value. I could still see it being worth-while prep, but in the heat of battle, I expect to be too ammo-tied to be able to use Trauma Probe.
  • Psych Aid (small heal, also cleanses mental effects) - The value of this has gone up. Although a few key things are no longer cleansable, the fact that it heals is a very nice filler that could come in handy even if cleansing isn't necessary. I presently have no points here because of I presently find Field Aid worthless (yes it cleanses, but most DoTs are back before the cooldown comes up so I'm back to healing anyway). It's worth noting that in 1.2 this talent no longer reduces the ammo cost of Field Aid, it has been globally reduced to 1 ammo regardless of this talent. Only players with this talent can heal/cleanse mental, however.
  • Kolto Residue (+3% healing received) - It is a smaller buff than before, but is still sizeable enough for me to consider keeping my 1 point here. Hitting one additional person could help, but I wouldn't be money on it.
  • Gunnery Tree: Muzzle Fluting - If I understand correctly from the patch notes, this talent does not reduce cost anymore. Instead, it cuts the channel time. For players who chose it for the ammo reduction, you might want to talent elsewhere. If you spec'd here to be a more combat-oriented healer, you'll probably still find some value here.
  • Gunnery Tree: Advanced Tech - The +1% healing done & received per point still seems quite valuable, so I plan on going into 1.2 with 2 points here.
  • Assault Tree: Weapon Calibrations - Unless you have a very low amount of alacrity in your gear, I don't see the extra alacrity helping much. Never have I been in a situation where I thought "man, if only Medical Probe channeled 0.01 seconds faster". If, however, you are working with a very low-alacrity itemization, this might be priceless.
  • Assault Tree: Soldier's Endurance - If I ever spec out of my present 31/10/0 build to 31/9/1, I'd put a point here. It's a small increase, but with my amount of alacrity, the small bonus HP is much more worthwhile than a few more alacrity.

Edited by SpaniardInfinity
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