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SWTOR Game Direction by Design?


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What is the focus behind the design of Swtor?


A lot of people are disgruntled, and a lot are happy. And there are a lot of opinions and complaints being thrown about the servers about why this and why that. I myself have hundreds of questions, which in truth the relvance of could simply be answered by this question.



Is SWTOR's design focus ' a story driven mmo" whereas the focus is all about playing multiple characters, being involved in the written stories of the game and each class, with a facility to experience this game with multiple friends online? Therefore Warzones and Operations are more of an added bonus for thos that enjoy that game play.


Or Is the focus like many other MMO's based completely driven on Massive Multiplayer Group player to work together to achieve succes in a variety of challenges wither in PVE or PVP, with the storylines only for added flavour for immersion in a 'roleplaying' character aspect?


Which is the games focus? So far from what Ive seen, its the former. Warzones and Operations are added in as a secondary focus for those players that enjoy that type of content.


I am not going into the current design of 'grind grind grind' That is clearly evident by the ENTIRE legacy 1.2 patch that it has a two edge focus, 1 Keep playing long periods for minimalistic reward until after 1 month subscription you can afford to buy one item from dailies (Casual players) or 3-4 items (For more hard core players) While being fully emersed in the story diven content that each class goes through from 1-50.



P.S over half the republic has departed my server this last two weeks to reroll on a different server. The Most republic I have seen together in the last week is 4, on Republic Fleet when I logged on my Republic Alt. (Scepter of Ragnos-EU)

I have multiple level 50 characters of BM and Rakata gear with 7 skills at 400. Server transfer not really an option if its paid. So what is being planned to resolve Population disparities?

I Was assigned this server when I started the game by you. Is this the Emersive MMO experience SWTOR has to offer me?

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Focus is both.


What they have attempted to do was to finally make leveling painless by implementing story lines and cut scenes. The have succeeded.


What the future intent would be is end game content, crafting and continued story lines with each expansion. This has come second to the story line, as it would in a new MMO where everyone was leveling. From here, as with every MMO, content will come, expansions will come, the game will become rich in end game content, just as every other successful MMO has done.


There is no doubt that their will be server merges and free transfers. They've stated that they are interested in implementing them, but that it will take time as it is very difficult to do.

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Focus is both.


What they have attempted to do was to finally make leveling painless by implementing story lines and cut scenes. The have succeeded.

This I agree with. Leveling an alt and going through the storyline is the best this game has to offer in my opinion. Theres tons of minute details the devs have put into the game to make it all that much more enjoyable, like the ability to ride on teammates ships. Lot of potential for leveling up together in an in-character sense.


Besides that theres also standard endgame, gearing up and pvp aspects available for those who want them.


My main gripes with SWTOR currently are about difficulty of looking the way I want during the levelup process, and the bugs of course. The amount of bugs is silly. I wish goodlooking gear for my lvl 35 BH didnt require grinding for days on my lvl 50 character...

Edited by Karkais
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